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Crosshair was after them. He got on a ship and began firing right when they thought they were all clear. Cohen was forced to stay strapped in, Hunter as well. He usually handled the gunner, but in this case, he couldn't. Tech tried preparing them for hyperspace, but the ship wasn't responding as fast as they had hoped.

"Any sign of that bounty hunter?" Hunter asked, grunting from the pain.

"The only vessel in our scanners is Crosshair's and he's right on top of us," Tech replied.

"It's getting hot back here!" Wrecker yelled from the gunner station.

"Prepping to jump," Tech said.

"Not without Omega," Hunter ordered.

"The bounty hunter who took her is gone by now," Cohen said. "We won't find her here."

Hunter knew that she was right, he didn't want to leave. He had hope that perhaps they'd get her right away. Cohen felt that way too, but she was like Tech in the sense that she was more logical in these situations.

"We'll have no chance of finding them if Crosshair shoots us down," Echo added.

Hunter glanced over at Cohen. She nodded her head, saddened by the truth. "He's right," she said softly. "We have to go."

Hunter was hesitant, but gave the order as soon as Tech said, "Rear deflector shields are failing."

Hunter sighed, "Make the jump." Tech listened, and they were quickly in hyperspace. They all relaxed for only a second, but Omega was still in the back of their minds.

Cohen took off her straps and hopped out of her seat. She rushed to the cockpit where Tech and Echo were.

"How are we going to find her? There must be some way we can figure out where she is?"

"First, we must find out who that bounty hunter was and who he's working for," said Tech.

"That's simple," Cohen sat down. She played with her fingers because she knew for a fact and without a doubt who hired him. "It's the Kaminoans."

"Are you sure?" Echo asked.

"It has to be. They wouldn't have put all of us in a cell together unless they had a reason. I don't know much but I know that they took us to the brig because there's something they didn't tell us. They took us both, then, but why not now?"

"The bounty hunter was looking for you too," Hunter walked in. "Since you weren't there, he said that he only really needed Omega."

"It's going to take a while to find out what's going on," Echo said.

"Exactly, that's why you should try to relax and maybe rest." Hunter gave her his hand but she narrowed her eyes at him giving him her answer.

"Cohen. You haven't slept at all. Go get some rest."

"I can't sleep."

"You need to. Being awake this long isn't good."

"You don't understand. It's impossible," she murmured.

"I do understand but it's for the best-"

"I can't! I physically can't and won't right now. I won't until she's here and safe," Cohen snapped. Her lips quivered with fear. She tried to hide it, but she kept fighting the urge to just cry in front of them again. She wanted to be strong, if not for herself, then at least for Omega. That's all she could do as of now.

Hunter remained calm. He knew she didn't mean to behave this way.

"Look, I care about her too but I also care about you. We will get Omega but I won't let anyone help if they aren't able to. You need to get your strength back. Cohen, I'm begging you. Take a break for now."

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