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The light of Ord Mantell's moons crept into Cohen's room. There was only one small broken window, but it was enough to illuminate half of the room. Cohen laid asleep on her side. She grasped her quilt in a fist, squeezing in tight, unawarely. The dreams have dialed down since she dozed in Hunter's arms on the ship one night, but it didn't mean that they went away. She'd still hear the click of an armed weapon pointed directly at her and know who was behind it. For the first time, it wasn't Echo who needed help to go to sleep, it was her, but she refused to make the squad aware of what she knew.

Cohen's brows knitted while she slept, her dreams constantly never making any sense. Sometimes she'd enter a cave she'd never seen on a snow planet. Some minerals would gleam in the dark cave, or perhaps they were just ice or crystals. She wasn't sure. She knew she'd follow a silent hum that sounded like a sweet melody. It guided her. Or sometimes she'd be in a different place that was unknown to her too. Wherever it was, there was that constant hum guiding her, and she was surrounded by warmth. It was safe and tender, and her fears drifted away. It was like being afraid of the dark, but when the hum and warmth appeared, it was like a light was cast upon her, and it was safe.

In dreams, she visited various planets she didn't know existed. Planets where it was warm and welcoming, and others where it was dark and cold. She had felt like this supernatural power wanted her to choose between the light and the dark, but before she ever could, she'd wake up remembering that Crosshair was still out there.

Tonight, however, she dreamt of being back on Salecuami. She'd shut her eyes, welcoming the sun's heat kissing her skin. She embraced the smell of towering bith flowers right outside of Cut and Suu's house. Now, this was more like it. She was unconsciously aware that this was something she'd be able to enjoy. But even so, she remained cautious, and her eyes peeled out just in case anything jumped at her at the last minute. She had become used to the unexpected sounds of clicks and the trigger right after, but she heard his voice this time.

"Cohen," he whispered. She looked around the maze of biths and couldn't see him anywhere. "Cohen," he repeated, except this time, he was closer. Cohen felt her cheeks burn, but it wasn't from the sun. It was because she was being touched. Slowly, Cohen identified that he was near with just his scent. It was so near that she could feel it, but that was only because he hadn't been in the dream.

Cohen hummed, awakening from the sound of Hunter's voice. She inhaled deeply, consciousness seeping into her slowly, breaking the barrier between dreams and reality. She peeked through the curtains of her lashes, and Hunter sat on the edge of her bed by her feet. Cohen gradually opened her eyes, and he leaned in, nuzzling her cheeks.

Was this real? Was Hunter really in her room? She hadn't broken out of this morning's fogginess, but she was awake enough to know it was still dark outside. Hunter coming into the room was going against everything they'd discussed, but here he was, his head on the nape of her neck, waking her up with affection and tenderness.

"Hunter?" She blinked a couple of times, staring at nothing but the ceiling now.

He carefully sat up and just marveled at her. "Hi," was all he said.

"Hi," Cohen tried to sit up using her elbows, but he didn't give her much room to do so. "Is everything okay?"

Hunter nodded his head. His eyes seemed weary, but the ends of his lips said something else.

"What's going on?" She asked, self-aware that she was a mess now but refusing to give into that insecurity because something was wrong. He wouldn't be here breaking a rule for no reason. Cohen managed to sit up, forcing him to back up a little bit but then pulling him close. He was serious, and although he's that way all the time, this was different. It was like looking at someone suffering in silence but deciding to show just how vulnerable they are.

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