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Mission after the mission was the way the squad lived now. No breaks, no rests. They were always running from something; in Cohen's case, she was getting used to living this way. She didn't mind missions although fully recognized the dangers of them. It wasn't up to her, it was the only thing they knew how to do. The pay wasn't always efficient, so they would cut back on a lot of things, but life wasn't bad for the most part.

After an entire day spent on a mission and being chased by Crustaceans, the crew was holding up only to come back to Ord Mantell for their cut. Going into the parlor, they were immediately greeted by AZI. By some miracle, Omega's favorite medical droid was still functioning and vocal about everything that went on in his programmed little mind. After bringing AZI back from Kamino, Tech fixed him up nicely, and the droid became useful around the parlor. Cid couldn't have been more thrilled to have more help around.

"Hi AZI," Omega waved and walked past him while they all made their way to Cid's office.

"You are all quite late," AZI hovered around them with a tray of empty glasses. "Mistress Cid has been extremely vocal about her displeasure."

"Well, there is a surprise," Echo grumbled.

Walking into the Cid's office, Cohen remained on Hunter's side. Hands longed to lock but they settled for "accidental" touches. Since Kamino, much of their dynamic had changed. As much as they wanted to remain platonic around the squad, it was hard to fight instinct. There were days they went without a kiss or a hug. The times when they hardly got to ask how the other was doing or feeling were often becoming. Hunter had made one thing clear after setting boundaries of what they could no longer do for the sake of the squad and their hearts, he wouldn't stop loving her.

There would be small windows of opportunities when he'd get to say it. Most of the time it was when the crew was in the Marauder, everyone would be asleep and she'd be taking the first watch while roaming through space. Hunter would stay awake just to be with her in the cockpit. He'd kiss the top of her head and then whisper into her ear.

"My angel," he'd call her. A nickname he picked for her long ago. He'd ask her how she was doing and if she was tired. They'd talk through the night and get lost in time and quite literally, lost in space. When he'd say those three words, she savored it, taking mental pictures and keeping an accumulation of the times he'd say it. She'd then say it in return and it would get quiet. Cohen would lay on his chest, and they'd have the best seats for the perfect close-up of stars twinkling.

It seemed like, after certain events, it only made them closer despite the restrictions they imposed.

"Well, well, well," Cid said as they came in through her door. "The space lugs decided to finally show up."

Hunter halted quickly, his eyes cautious and serious about something. In this case, Cohen hadn't noticed, it was someone.

"Better late than dead, I always say," said a woman no one in the squad recognized. She was seated on Cid's desk with her feet elevated.

"And who are you?" Hunter glowered.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She stood up with a drink in her hand. Her eyes were made across the entire squad. "So, this is the top team you've been talking about?" The woman asked Cid. "The rogue clones on the run from the Empire, huh? How juicy." She approached them closely to get a better look.

"You told her," Hunter glared at Cid.

"Don't get twitchy," Cid assured. "Phee's a friend. She's the most trustworthy pirate I know."

"Is that supposed to be comforting?" Echo asked.

"Aren't clones supposed to look alike?" Phee cut in. "So much for quality control," she chuckled to herself. "This one's too big," she gestured to Wrecker. "This one's too small," she then pointed at Omega. "And this one's got a face tattoo." Phee laughed to herself. "Yeah, real subtle. Oh." Her eyes were then averted away from the rest of them. "Got a name brown eyes?"

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