Note to Reader

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Hi to everyone who is starting We Stay Together!

Thank you for starting this story, my hope is that you enjoy it. Before you get started there are several disclaimers before you begin. Please read, everything that I will share is important information to have as you dive into this story.


The plot and the original Bad Batch characters belong to Lucasfilm Animation. Since most of what I write is in the show, I want to give credit where credit is due.

However, some facts that are canon in the Star Wars universe may have been changed for this story; for example, clone growth acceleration isn't something that is in this story. In other words, clone growth acceleration doesn't exist in this series. I bring this up because a common issue and confusion that I see in regards to my OC and Hunter is the question of incest. I will clarify now that there is no incest and as you read along the storyline, the facts will unravel and demonstrate both their connection to Omega.

I don't want to give too much away but please keep this in mind when reading and understand that there are several changes to the story that doesn't occur in the actual show.

That is all! Please comment anything you want if you've read through the disclaimer that way there won't be confusion through the story and I won't have to answer any questions in regards to these topics.

Thank you! ❤️

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