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Omega and Cohen were forced to sit on the ground, not that it bothered them at all. Omega placed her head on Cohen's shoulder, but Cohen had no one or nothing to lean on. Omega was playing on a device that Tech had given her. She was preoccupied and so engaged with it, she had nothing to be bored about. Cohen on the other hand literally had nothing to do.

"Well, that doesn't look comfortable, for either of you." Hunter was standing above them, watching them.

"We're fine," Omega replied.

"Here," Hunter took out a crate with food. "Chow time," he offered them.

The girls both took a small portion of food, but weren't feeling hungry.

"Thank you," Cohen said.

"Ah, finally!" Wrecker walked out of the cockpit and ran to get his portion. Hunter gave it to him, and in one bite, it was gone.

"Hit me again," Wrecker jumped in place excited for more.

"That's all for now. Rations are low," Hunter shut the box. Wrecker frowned and began to groan.

"You can have mine," Omega offered. She held out her hand waiting for Wrecker to take the little she had. Wrecker reached joyfully, but Hunter pushed him back.

"Hey, Omega doesn't even have a place to sleep. You want to take her food too?"

Wrecker felt bad all at once. He scratched his head realizing the Hunter was right.
"Oh, uh. No, no. Thanks but you keep it," Wrecker looked at Omega over Hunters shoulder.

Omega sat down taking the ration in her hand. Cohen smiled at her and said, "That was very generous of you."

"I'm not that hungry," Omega shrugged.

"Me too. But I guess it's better to have a full stomach than an empty one. Come on, eat up."
And Omega listened.

"I guess I'm not used to having a kid around here," Wrecker whispered over to Hunter.

"None of us are, but she's not complaining."

Suddenly, the light in the ship began to flicker. It had been happening for a while now but it was becoming more consistent.

"Echo, lights cut out again. I thought you fixed it?" Hunter walked over to the cockpit.

"Yeah, add it to the list." Tech said.

"The ship got hit hard when we fled Saleucami," Echo clarified. "Several systems have been glitching ever since. Repairs would go faster if I had some help." He glanced over at Tech.

"As soon as I finish building this scanner. Testing the functionality of our inhibitor chips takes precedence," Tech said as he was putting parts into his new scanner device.

"But I thought you said they were defective?"

"A theory this device will be able to prove. Besides, the ship-wide diagnostic report indicates no critical systems were compromised."

Then, there was a loud bang causing the ship to shake. The systems were completely off, and the lights were off. They didn't even flicker. The ship had gone out of hyperspace which wasn't ideal, but there wasn't a lot they could do to fix it.

"Getting thrown out of hyperspace. I'd say that's pretty critical, Tech." Hunter held onto a seat for balance as the ship continued to tremble.

"It's not affecting life support. We're fine."

"Are you kidding me?" Hunter was in disbelief from Tech's nonchalant expression.

"The power capacitor blew. We need to land immediately," Echo informed.

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