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"I want a rematch," Tech said, refusing to accept defeat.

"Again? Will you just believe that I beat you?" Cohen sat across from him. They had been playing dejarik for some time now. At first, Tech was uninterested in playing, but then Wrecker mocked him, saying he was too afraid to go up against Cohen. It was enough to get Tech competitive and motivate him, but he never would've seen it coming. She was undeniably skilled. There was no question about it.

Wrecker laughed to the side, his hands on his stomach because his core was beginning to burn. He was hysterical. It amazed him what he got to see, and for once, someone surpassed Tech.

"She's smarter than you!" Wrecker's laughs sounded like roars which then caused him to gasp for air. He was so amused from watching Tech's frustration.

Tech sighed, "I- I don't understand."

"She won you four times!" Wrecker continued.

Cohen bit her bottom lip, she was watching Tech examine the board, rethinking his techniques. She felt bad, she knew how accustomed he was to be good and right about everything. It's not like she wanted him to second guess himself, it was only a game. But Tech was unsettled, almost couldn't believe his eyes during each move.

"You know, if you want we can just start over," Cohen said only to give him one last chance.

"No," Tech cut her off. He still watched the board as though he could see which plays had gone wrong.

"No?" she asked.

Tech finally looked right up at her and held out his hand. "I accept my defeat. Good game."

Cohen was stunned. He was finally backing down. She took his hand and shook it gently. "You were a challenge, Tech."

He tried to conceal his content for at least the comment he received. "Well, I can't say I did not try. You've earned my respect."

Cohen nodded her head but paused once she realized what he had said. "Did... did I not always have your respect?" However, Tech stood up before she could finish. He had meant what he said only because he hadn't known her too well unlike the rest of the squad.

"Ah, don't worry about that." Echo walked up behind her. "That's his way of letting you in."

"Too bad it's taken this long."

"We all had to adapt, besides, it's no secret that he's the most unsociable out of all of us. The good thing is, we have a great affiliation with one another now."

"Great affiliation? So what am I to you now?" She smirked only because she was setting him up.

Echo stammered over his words. "You're... you are... you're- a good friend," he nervously scratched his head because he was finally saying it aloud. Cohen's goal was to teach them how to connect with their emotions. She knew that as soldiers they had trouble, but with the number of things they experienced, they needed to. Especially Echo.

"Good, I just wanted to hear you say it," she chuckled.

Echo rolled his eyes, "Don't get sappy." Cohen laughed and continued to tease him for being soft while Tech sat beside Hunter on the counter.

"Are you alright?" Hunter asked, also witnessing his loss.

Tech sighed, "I must admit, I am impressed. She is indeed clever." Hunter looked in her direction, keeping his joy to himself. He gazed at her with content, it was becoming visible. Everyone could see it. Hunter's usual seriousness faded whenever he thought of her, was around her, anything that had to do with her. She was changing him without knowing it.

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