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"Cid better pay us extra for that mission," said Echo as soon as they landed back on Ord Mantell.

"Eh. It wasn't so bad," Wrecker shrugged.

"She failed to mention the drop zone would be swarming with Gundarks," Echo added.

"It's not the first time she has left out key details," said Tech.

"That was the ugliest creature I've ever seen. My legs won't quit shaking," Cohen said as they made their way to Cid's Parlor.

"Ugh, Hunter! Look what you did to her!" Wrecker exclaimed then punched him on the shoulder. The squad came to halt, all looking over at Hunter with a disturbed look.

"What?" Hunter narrowed his eyes at them.

"She can't stop shaking..." Wrecker subtly dropped a hint.

"Because I'm sore from running," Cohen clarified.

"Oh," he said after creating an awkward situation. "You mean, you two haven't-"

"Wrecker!" Hunter stopped him before going too far.

"Haven't what?" Omega and Cohen both asked at the same time. The squad sealed their lips, neither of them wanting to respond to their question.

"Stop making that face," Cohen nudged Echo on the shoulder since he had the most disturbed look out of all of them. "We haven't what?" she asked impatiently.

"It's best you don't know," Hunter replied then walked away with the rest of the squad following behind. Cohen and Omega glanced at each other after watching them go.

"What are they talking about?" Omega asked.

"I don't know..."

Wrecker then stopped, overhearing them from behind. "Oh, come on. You have to know. it's how you create-"

"Wrecker. Shush," Echo pushed him on the shoulder. "Let's drop it and go." His tone slightly intimidated Wrecker which also left the girls stunned as they continued to walk.

Cohen caught up with Hunter, glancing up at him a lot and he could feel it. "Hunter?"

"Don't ask about it."

She frowned but it faded away quickly when she noted that the streets right in front of the parlor were different. There were men wearing masks, the kind she's never seen before but she could feel their stares as they walked inside. The place was crowded with them but also with a ton of people they've never seen before.

"When did this place get popular?" Echo asked.

"And who are they?" Tech pointed out.

"Not our problem," Hunter replied, not worried, not in the slightest. "Let's find Cid," he led the group towards the office but was immediately stopped by a guard. None like they have ever seen before.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked. That didn't stop Hunter, It only took a punch that easily sent the guard back and knocked them out on the ground. They barged into Cid's office only to find that she wasn't there. There were more guards and when they spotted them, they all took out their blasters as did the squad. Omega was the only one who didn't take out her bow but was ready to fight if she needed to.

"It's rude to barge into one's office unannounced," a voice said behind the wall of guards. He stood up, unbothered, petting a familiar creature they came across once.

"This isn't your office," said Hunter.

"Guess again," the man scoffed then placed the creature on the desk.

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