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How can someone be so beautiful and precious all the time without even trying? Cohen pondered. Hunter wasn't doing anything. He just sat there, holding his drink to his lips, taking small sips, and placing his drink back on the counter. And Cohen watched. She stared in pure admiration at his supreme masculinity. Just him being his natural self. He would do little things like leaning back slightly and placing his hands on his hips or sitting on a seat with one leg up the seating pad. And she especially admired him when he fiddled with his vibroblade. He had a way of concentrating that consisted of a single brow raised slightly, and the rest of him was relaxed. To top it off, whenever he leaned over a frame above his head, it exposed his broad shoulders and slim waist, which she adored; all those things belonged to her. Whatever he did, whether he tried or not, appealed to her in ways she couldn't find the words. Her heart skipped thinking about how naturally he did all these things and not knowing it would make her fluster.

Love seems to have no measurement or limit, but somehow, it grew for Hunter. It expanded in a way that made her whole being ache for him even when he belonged to her already. She felt her soul tethered to his in some supernatural way, but now it was a stronger and more powerful bond than human comprehension. Her whole life had been dedicated to understanding facts and logic. It had been established on charts and medicine. Science, data, protocols, rules, mannerisms, limits, all the things she was taught never prepared her for this. The Kaminoans failed to tell her about this phenomenon called love. It was the opposite of science. It consisted of unexplainable emotions that, for no reason at all, caused her pulse to rise. She had learned through Hunter that love is irrational and incomprehensible yet very necessary. He fueled her soul with joy. His very existence is like rays of sunlight amongst rain. He brought unexplainable peace with just one look. Peace was enough for her to forget the dangers waiting for her in the galaxy soon. Cohen had concluded that she'd throw year's worth of medical knowledge for a cure that wouldn't fail: love. Loving Hunter.

Cohen smiled at her so-called Dark and Broody, and he didn't even notice. He sat with all his brothers on the counter of Cid's parlor, discussing something that seemed to make Tech so impassioned. She noted Hunter's lip curl slightly from the tattooed side of his face while his attention was on Tech. As for Tech, he was going on about some new project he was working on and sharing it with the rest of them. Even though they didn't quite understand his fascination, they listened. Hunter sipped his drink again and looked at Echo, who also returned a smile. Cohen simpered at this small moment she witnessed amongst brothers, and her heart warmed.

"Ahem. Are you listening?"

"Huh?" Cohen lifted her head and realized she had forgotten all about Phee. It was obvious she had been stuck in her thoughts about Hunter. However, Phee was going on about a story in one of her adventures that Cohen was sure she had heard before and somehow was sucked into listening to again.

"As I was saying," Phee continued. "I had no choice but to fend off the Octomorph. Bare-handed too-"

Cohen got up from her seat this time, interrupting Phee. "I'm sorry, I'm just going to go over there," she gestured towards the boys.

"Why? This is the best part!" Bolo said.

"I might've heard this story before, that's all," Cohen replied.

"Oh yeah?" Phee crossed her arms. "Then how does it end?"

"The creature vanquished. You swam to the coral cave and found the Grand Pearl of Novak."

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