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"And that's how you disassemble a thermal explosive," Wrecker separated the parts so that Omega could see. "There's tons of live ordnance buried in this shipyard. If you trip one, you need to know how to disable it."

"Seems simple enough," Omega nodded.

"Well, if you're so sure, here." he threw her a plier. "Disarm it."

"Me? But I only watched you once-"

"Ten seconds till we're both goners. Ten, nine..."

Omega hurriedly began to examine the wires, she thought out loud saying, "The conductor feeds the coil expander. This connects to the transmitter." She pointed as she went along. "Then what?" She looked over at Wrecker.

Wrecker didn't help, he continued counting even after he heard her eagerness for his help. "...Six," he continued.

Omega looked back down and unclipped a blue wire. She was beginning to second guess herself and was debating two other wires. She moved her hand back and forth, unable to decide.

"I don't know which wire to cut next!"

"Better get it right. Three, two, one!"

Omega unclipped a yellow wire which activated the bomb instead. It began to ignite slowly, she backed up realizing she had made the wrong call.

"Not that one," Wrecker said. "Too late! Run for it!" He left Omega behind.

She got to her feet in a hurry and began to run. The bomb was on the brink of going off, they could all hear the beeps getting louder. She hid behind a shelter of metal and ducked her head with her hands over her, and her knees to her chest. A blast went off, but it wasn't what she had expected. Omega peeked her head out to see, and right where she had been, there was only smoke.

Wrecker came out laughing, "Gotcha."

She rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Why didn't it explode?" She came out of her small hiding spot.

"Ha! Because it's a smoke bomb. You think I'd let you train with a live explosive." He crossed his arms, still chuckling to himself. "I'm not crazy. You should've seen your face," he teasingly nudged her.

"Wrecker, Omega, pack it in. Hunter wants us back on the Jedi cruiser," Echo and Cohen approached them.

"How'd the test go?" Cohen asked.

"I don't want to talk about it," Omega frowned.

"Cheer up, kid. I failed my first disarming test too," Wrecker said to make her feel better.

"I didn't," Cohen and Echo said, synchronously. Wrecker and Omega frowned at them only causing them to contain their laughter.

"Ah! That was luck," Wrecker argued. Echo and Cohen glanced at each other with a proud expression. They shrugged and kept their success to themselves.

Lately, they've been getting along. Their bond is similar to Omega and Wrecker's, only they know how to behave themselves. They found that they had a lot in command other than knowing Rex. Even so, he'd tell her stories of when he fought on the frontlines. He'd teach her things about the ship just in case it was necessary, she would be able to take over tasks.

They began to head back to the cruiser, walking in a single file line.

"We've got eyes on us," Cohen sensed.

"I see them too," Echo replied.

"How many?" Omega whispered.

"At least three. Stay casual," Echo advised. "Wrecker, you ready?"

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