chapter 17 ~ back in new york city

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“I can’t believe we’re already back in reality.” I groaned and let myself fall onto the bed in our hotel room.

Nathan and I arrived at JFK airport here in New York City about one and a half hours ago and as soon as we had stepped into the arrivals hall we had been surrounded by the usual swarm of paparazzi. Especially since my movie had premiered we had only gotten even more attention than before. The days at home with my parents had been extremely relaxing and it had been great to not have to deal with all the paparazzi for a while.

“Same here! I really enjoyed the time in Michigan. Until then I had almost fully forgotten what it feels like to go out without being surrounded by paparazzi and their annoying cameras.” Nathan replied and fell onto the bed next to mine.

Alexa had ensured that we would have a double room with two separate beds, at least one thing we could thank her for.

“So what are our plans for today?” Nathan asked me after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

“Well Alexa called me while you were in the bathroom shortly after the landing and told me that we should go out and have some fun today. But we have to make sure the paparazzi see us, so we probably shouldn’t spend the day somewhere far away from the outer world. “I explained tiredly, if he hadn’t said something now, I would have probably fallen asleep soon.

“I knew it would have something to do with getting us into tomorrow’s tabloids.” He groaned before I heard his bed squeak loudly, he had obviously gotten up from it to get ready.

“Are you coming?”

“Just another second.” I mumbled. I could barely keep my eyes open anymore and right now it was impossible for me to move a single centimeter.

“If I let you stay there for a bit longer you will fall asleep Payton.” He replied and if I had been able to open my eyes, I would have rolled them right now since he was a hundred percent right.

“I won’t, I promise.”

“Tell it to the marines.” I heard him say and before I could react in any way two arms had scooped me up from the bed.

My eyes shot open with shock and I clung onto Nathan for real life. But as soon as he saw my expression he started laughing uncontrollably and literally shook me thoroughly in the process.

“I swear, if you don’t stop right now, I’m going to puke all over you.” I threatened. By now I was wide awake again and I wasn’t even lying about puking all over him, I was really feeling a bit sick by now.

“Alright, alright.” He replied and immediately set me down again.

I quickly took two steps back to create some space between the two of us; I’d make sure he would never be able to do this again.

“I’m going to get ready now.” I said and walked over to my suitcase to get some new clothes. Fortunately my mom had washed all of our clothes before we had left for New York and so I had enough clean clothes to choose from right now.

“Alright. I’m going to watch some TV until you’re ready.” He replied and made himself comfortable on the couch in front of the device.

“Don’t you have to put on something new as well?” I asked when I had found a proper outfit.

“Nope, I’m looking hot as always.” He replied and switched on the TV.

I just rolled my eyes and grabbed my wash bag before disappearing into the bathroom.

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