chapter 25 ~ nightmare

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"Do you even know how shocked I was when Alexa called me this morning and explained what happened?" Nathan asked me when we were sitting in his car on our way to Alexa's office.

"Tell me about it. There was no one else on the beach, there wasn't even anyone around. It took us more than an hour to drive there; I can't believe they caught us. I don't even know what to tell Alexa." I replied while I nervously scraped my favorite nail polish off of my nails.

"The truth." Nathan said. "That's what you're going to tell her."

"But she's going to bite my head off if I tell her the truth. She clearly said that we aren't allowed to have a relationship and I have one anyway. She'll be so angry."

"She already is extremely angry. If you lie to her you're only going to make it even worse. She most probably knows that he's your boyfriend, so don't even try not saying the truth."

"I know. But I'm so afraid of having to talk to her now."

"Well, you should've thought about that before getting yourself a boyfriend."

"Thanks for making me feel guilty about it." I snapped.

Nathan frowned but didn't respond anything and so it was silent for a few minutes.

"I'm sorry." I finally apologized. "I shouldn't have snapped at you, I'm just a little nervous."

"I know you are and it's okay. But you should try to be nice when talking to Alexa. You have to go without your sarcastic comments; she has you over a barrel. Remember the contract." He replied and I nodded to show him that I had understood.


A few minutes later we arrived at Alexa's office and Nathan parked the car. Unfortunately the last free parking space was right in front of the building where a crowd of paparazzi was already waiting for us.

"I will get out first. You will wait in here until I open the door for you, you will need me to get through the crowd without being hurt." Nathan instructed me before getting out of the car.

I scraped the last bit of my nail polish off of my thumbnail while I waited for Nathan to round the car. My black skinny jeans were now dotted with pink crumbs of scraped off nail polish and I quickly brushed them away with my hands until my pants were clean again. Instead the black floor of Nathan's car was now dotted with the pink crumbs, but that was his problem.

Suddenly, the door beside me was opened and Nathan's face appeared next to mine.

"I'm here; you can get out of the car now." He said and I unbuckled my seat belt and stepped onto the sidewalk next to him.

He locked the car behind us and then we pushed our way through the paparazzi who were throwing a million questions at us.

Why did you cheat on him, Payton?

Can you tell us a bit more about the mysterious guy?

Are you still together or is your relationship over now?

How long have you been cheating on him, Payton?

The list of questions was still a lot longer but Nathan and I finally reached the door after what felt like half an eternity and could get away from the nosy photographers.

"I'm so tired of constantly being followed by those idiots." I said while Nathan and I were walking up the stairs to Alexa's office.

"So am I. But they're a part of our job and whenever they write an article about us, they also help us to get more famous."

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