chapter 29 ~ the real braden scott

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He had lied to me. He had lied to me all this time and I had never noticed.

Every "I love you.", every "I miss you." and every "You're the most important person in my life." had only been a lie.

He had lied directly to my face without batting an eye and I had believed every single word he'd ever said.

Nathan had once told me that I should be careful around Braden because he had a bad feeling about him and even Macy had told me to be more careful after what had happened on the beach. But I had just ignored them because Braden had taken me in with his pretended feelings for me that I had thought were real feelings.

Deep down inside me I was actually hoping that the floor would suddenly open and someone would engulf me in the abyss or that the ceiling would come down and bury me so that I would get out of this situation.

But I knew this wouldn't happen and I also knew that I would have to find a way to silence him so that he would never tell anyone about all of this.

But that was probably easier said than done.

Right now I felt like I would start crying any second, I just wanted to bawl my eyes out to get rid of all the frustration, disappointment and fear that was building up inside me.

But I knew that doing it wouldn't help me right now and that it would only make things worse. If I wanted to get him to stay quiet about this, I would have to show him that I wouldn't allow him to little me and that I wasn't afraid of him, no matter what he was actually capable of.

"So your plan was to be known as the guy I cheated on my boyfriend with instead of being known as a good actor?" I asked Braden provokingly.

"Shut up." He snapped and took a step in my direction but this time I didn't take a step backwards. "You know exactly how the business works. It doesn't matter if people hear about me because they think I was the one you cheated on your boyfriend with or if they hear about me because I got a leading role in a movie. The only thing that matters is that the people out there know my name at all. And why should I've taken the hard way? You made all of this very easy for me by being so extremely naïve."

"You are such a prick. They should send you in prison for all of this." I yelled and raised my hand to slap him. But Braden knew exactly what I was doing and held on to my arm before my hand could even come near his face.

"Oh Payton." Braden said and shook his head with a laugh. "If I were you I'd be a bit more careful."

"Let go off my arm." I said through gritted teeth and to my surprise he immediately did so.

"Why should I be more careful?" I asked and crossed my arms.

"Well, I didn't commit a crime; I only lied to you a bit. And that means I'll stay out of prison and will be able to tell the media every detail about the contract and our relationship." He told me with a smirk on his face.

"But why would you do that? It wouldn't help you a bit. Everything they'll care about will be the contract and the fake relationship. But no one will care about the fact that you and I were in a real relationship or at least in a relationship which I thought was real."

"You're very much mistaken there! In order to explain everything correctly they'll have to mention my name in every single article they write and even if they don't talk about the two of us as a couple, they'll at least mention me as the source of all this information. Telling them will help me get publicity."

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