chapter 18 ~ i will regret this so much

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“The golden dress or the blue dress?” I asked Nathan and held up both of them

He just quickly looked at me from his position on the couch and then immediately turned back to the TV before giving an answer that I should’ve expected from the beginning on.

“They’re both sparkling, just toss a coin.”

I rolled my eyes and sighed loudly. “Very helpful, I’m glad Anna is going to come by later so I can ask her.”

“Good idea.” Nathan just said without even looking away from the TV, sometimes he was such an idiot. 


“I’m so glad you’re finally here.” I told Anna as soon as she had stepped into our hotel room.

“Why?” She asked kind of surprised. “Is he treating you badly?”

“Kind of. He’s being an idiot. He couldn’t even help me decide which dress to wear tonight. They look absolutely different and he just told me to toss a coin since they’re both sparkling.” I vented. Thankfully Nathan couldn’t hear me because I had told him to wear headphones in case he planned on continue watching Transformers.

“Don’t worry, I’ll help you.”

“Thank you, you just made my day.”

I led Anna past Nathan on the couch, who even managed to greet her, and over to the area with our beds where I had spread my clothes and other stuff for tonight.

“Are those the dresses?” Anna asked after putting down her equipment and pointed at the dresses that were lying neatly on my bed.

I nodded quickly and held up both of them. “I just can’t decide which one would be better for tonight.”

Anna looked at the dresses for a few seconds before telling me her opinion. “I love both dresses and I think they would look amazing on you. But if I were in your position I would take the golden one. It will look great with your hair color and gold is also a perfect color for New Year’s Eve. And I’m a stylist; I know what I’m talking about.”

“You’re right.” I said after looking at both dresses again. “I will wear the golden one. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” She replied. “But now put them down again, I need to start doing your hair and make-up otherwise you won’t be ready on time.”


For the next one and a half hours I had to sit still while Anna was doing her job. I hated not being able to move for such a long time but I was slowly getting used to it. It was part of my job and I always looked good in the end. I just wasn’t born with flawless skin and hair that was always looking perfect; it took time to make me look decent.

“I’m done.” Anna finally said after fixating my hair with a final layer of hairspray. “Do you like it?”

“I love it.” I replied and I really meant it. She had chosen an eye shadow that had the exact color of my dress and had bordered my eyes with black eyeliner. My eyelashes were covered in a layer of black mascara and my lips were bright red and looked absolutely kissable.

My dark brown hair was pinned-up and was shining beautifully. I was ready for tonight.

“I’m glad you do, now go and get changed, I’m going to take care of Nathan in the meantime.”

I got up from the chair in front of the mirror and grabbed the golden dress before entering our bathroom. I quickly undressed and put on the dress instead. Thankfully I didn’t have to put on new underwear since I hadn’t chosen the strapless dress and so my only problem was that I couldn’t close the zipper of the dress by myself.

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