chapter 24 ~ it's all over the news

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Even though the time in Michigan, New York City and Texas had been amazing, I was extremely happy when I finally stepped back into my own apartment that I didn't have to share with anyone else.

Nathan and I had spent the third day in Texas with his whole family at Jen's house. We had also met her husband Luke who had come home from his business trip the night before. It was a beautiful day and I had to agree with Nathan's mom, Jen and Luke were a lovely couple.

We had flown back to Los Angeles very late and right now it was two in the morning. I was tired to death and about to fall asleep here and now. And so I just went to bed without even changing into something else, I was just too tired to do that.


"I'm coming!" I shouted when my doorbell rang the next morning.

I had already had breakfast and had gotten ready as well. My breakfast had consisted of a pop tart because my fridge was empty. I'd given all my perishable groceries to my neighbors before leaving for Michigan and really needed to get some new groceries today.

"Surprise!" A very familiar voice said when I opened the door and I immediately flung my arms around the person's neck when I recognized who it was.

"I was just about to call you to see if you're free today." I said when I let go of Braden again.

"I'm sorry but I'm not. I'm going to spend the day with my girlfriend." He replied with a wink and made me laugh a bit.

"Come in." I told him and stepped a bit to the right to let him in.

"By the way, your neighbor approached me just when I was about to ring the doorbell and gave me a parcel she has accepted for you because you weren't home." Braden explained and then picked up a big parcel to carry it into my apartment.

"I can't even remember that I've ordered anything before I went to Michigan." I said while closing the door.

"Seems like you're becoming forgetful." He teased me and I playfully hit his arm before I went over to the parcel to open it.

"Here, take my pocketknife." Braden said and handed me a small, red pocket knife that was attached to his key ring.

"Thanks." I replied and opened the parcel without even taking a look at the sender.

And that's why I was incredibly surprised when I saw who had sent it to me.

"It's from my mom." I told Braden and handed him the card that she had put into the parcel.

"I hope it arrives in Los Angeles in one piece. Mom." He read out loud.

I took hold of the big box that was inside the parcel and tried to take it out of it. But no matter how hard I tried, it didn't move a single centimeter.

"Could you grab the parcel and hold on to it so that I can take out the box?" I asked Braden and he immediately helped me.

Together we were able to get the box out of the parcel and now I also remembered that I had actually told my mom to send the box to my place.

"It's the cotton candy maker." I exclaimed and immediately carried the box over into my kitchen.

"The cotton candy maker?" Braden asked confused, when he stepped into the kitchen right after me.

"Yes, it was a Christmas present."

"From your parents?"

"No, from Nathan." I said and Braden immediately frowned.

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