Final Author's Note

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I decided to make this an extra chapter because this is the last author's note of this book.
I still can't believe that I've really just finished my very first book which has been a part of my bucket list for several years.
But of course I didn't just only decide to write a book to have something to tick off of my bucket list but because I love writing.
And I'm so thankful that there are so many out there who seem to have liked this book and who always motivated me to continue writing this book.
Writing this book has always been a lot of fun and I must say that I'm also a bit sad because it's over because the characters already have a place in my heart.
But even though I loved writing this book, there won't be a sequel. Nathan and Payton's story is finished being told and I hope you guys understand that. Maybe one day I'll sit down again and write another chapter about the time between the day the became a couple and the day he proposed :)
However that doesn't mean that I will stop writing now, I'm already working on the plot of a new book but I first want to write some chapters in advance before posting it here on wattpad.

That was everything I actually wanted to say at the end of this book so it's time to say goodbye for now and thank you all again for reading this book. I love you guys so much and you're the main reason writing this book was so much fun, especially reading your comments was always such a motivation to never giving up on the story.

Nina ❤️

PS: I don't know if you guys still have any questions about the book, the characters, me etc. but if you do, please comment them on this chapter and I'll answer them as fast as possible. :)

PPS: OMG how could I forget about this, I entered "Just For The Cameras" into the #Wattys2015 and I really hope I might have a chance at winning (even though I doubt it but it's worth a try). So it would be great if you could tell as many people as possible about my story :)

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