chapter 2 ~ the plan

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Payton's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes, just to close them again the next second. It was too light in my room ... way too light. My head was pounding like crazy and I groaned, burying my head in my pillow again. My hangover was painful, but since it wasn't my first one, I knew what to do against it.

Without opening my eyes I rolled over to the right side of my bed. I opened the first drawer of my night stand, rummaging through it until I finally felt the pillbox with my "hangover tablets" below my hand. My fingers automatically closed around it before I used my other hand to grab the water bottle that was always standing on my nightstand. Still with my eyes closed, I got two tablets from the box and swallowed them with a large amount of water. Just now I realized how dry my throat was and so I had quickly emptied the whole bottle.

Taking a deep breath I then got myself to open my eyes again, wincing at the sudden light but forcing myself to keep them open anyway.

When I put the empty bottle back onto my nightstand I grabbed my phone that was lying beside it to send Macy a hangover selfie via Snapchat. We always did that and I would probably get one back as soon as she was up.

Deciding to stay in bed for a bit longer, I opened my twitter app to reply to some of my followers and to follow as many of them as I could. I just loved making them happy.

I started following some people back and favorited as many tweets as I could until I recognized that most of them weren't even about last night's interview but about someone whose name I'd never heard before.

@allyyounger: @paytonkeyes don't listen to @nathanatkins the trailer is amazing and I am definitely going to watch your movie.

@madddiary: shut the fuck up @nathanatkins she's beautiful and all of her movies are amazing, you're just jealous.

@annaatkins: @nathanatkins you're so right. @paytonkeyes is ugly and the worst actress ever. You're amazing and I love you.

I favorited the first two tweets and just completely ignored the third one, before going onto that guy's twitter profile.

Even though I'd never heard of him before, I was following him already.


I didn't even have to scroll down his page because I immediately knew what everyone was talking about as soon as I saw his last tweet.

@nathanatkins: @paytonkeyes saw your trailer. you should forget about acting! ugly actress & idiotic plot! I'm sure you will get a golden raspberry for it!

I gasped for air. Why did he tweet something like this? We never met before and I definitely never did him harm.

Even though I was a very feisty person, I usually didn't let things like this get to me. But trust me, when having a hangover I could be someone's worst nightmare.

And so I quickly typed my reply and sent it without thinking about possible consequences.

@paytonkeyes: @nathanatkins who do you think you are? having a new girl in your bed every night instead of working will definitely get you one. #manwhore

The clever girl I was I had of course done my research before typing the reply by quickly googling his name. Meaning I now knew that he was mainly sleeping with any girl he met instead of working and that's why he was by far not as successful as I was at the moment.

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