chapter 3 ~ contracts suck

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"I won't do this. You are joking, aren't you? Please tell me you aren't serious." I pleaded.

"I am absolutely serious." She said, emotionless.

"This is the most idiotic thing I've ever heard. We are not going to do this. How is this even supposed to help?" Nathan now said.

"For weeks I've been looking for a solution to get you to spend more time with people that have a better image than you but until now I couldn't find a way to make that work. But then I remembered the fake date idea and I'm sure being around Payton will help you a lot. It will help you both to smooth your mistake out meaning it will also be advantageous for you Payton. But the main reason I'm doing this is to help you Nathan, since you've started drinking, partying and sleeping with random girls your reputation suffered a lot and if we don't change this, you may be out of show business soon."

"But I don't want to help him, I don't owe him anything. Without him I wouldn't be here right now and he actually owes me something." I started complaining.

"Stop it. If you help him, you will help me as well. And as far as I remember you owe me a lot, where would you even be without me?"

"In my bed because no other agent would make such a big deal out of it." I replied totally pissed off.

"You know Payton; you're really getting on my nerves by now."

"You too. I actually thought we were friends and now you're doing something like this." I said through clenched teeth.

"Friendship ends when it comes to business." She replied emotionless.

Now I finally knew how fast you could go from liking someone to hating someone. Because if I could I would bite her head off right now.

"I feel like we don't even have a chance to decline this." I hissed.

"You don't." She sneered. "Because if you do you have to pay the contractual penalty."

"And we both don't just have 250 grand that we could give you without missing them. Not bad! You really did chouse us." Nathan added.

"Exactly. You don't have a single chance to get out of this."

"You are such a bitch!" I just said, venting my spleen.

"Oh fuck it." Nathan interrupted before Alexa or I could say any more. "If we don't even have a chance to get out of this we can also just sign it and get out of here. I could think of a better way to spend the rest of my day."

I just nodded my approval and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Good decision." Alexa said grinning even brighter.

"It's not our decision; you forced us to do this. That's not the same, so stop beating around the bush and cut the shit." I spat.

She looked at me with her mouth open for a few seconds, before shaking her head and taking a stack of papers that was lying on her desk.

"This is your contract." Alexa said and handed me one half of the papers. "And this is your contract." She added before giving the other half to Nathan.

"The contract will end after 6 months and then you can decide if you want to break up or renew the contract." She started to explain before being interrupted by me.

"There's nothing to decide. If you want to we can already tell you our decision right now." I said and Nathan agreed with me.

Alexa just rolled her eyes before continuing to talk. "By signing the contract you will agree that you won't have any other relationships beside this one. Meaning no real boyfriend or girlfriend and especially no affairs anymore. You also won't be allowed to talk about this contract because otherwise we will run the risk that the contract will go public. Got that?"

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