11. What are you?

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Stefan,Damon,Caroline,Elena,Jeremy and I are now at a bar. It's called Whitmore bar.

We all ordered a water besides Damon and Stefan.They ordered bourbon.

"Did you guys feel the earthquake too,that happens earlier?", Jeremy asks.

I choked on my water and started to cough.

"Are you okay?", Stefan asks while slightly hitting my back.

I nod
"Yeah, we all felt it. I don't think it was naturally because Earthquakes don't happen so often", Elena says.
They all nod in agreement.
"Do you think it was a witch?", Caroline asks.
"It has to be. Witches are connect to earth",Jeremy answers.

"What do you think?",Damon asks turning is head to me.
"Who? Me?",I ask acting confused.
"No dipshit. I'm asking the other Brianna. Of course you!"
"Damon! Be nice",Elena orders and turns to me," Stefan told us that you were a witch back then. Maybe you know something"

I shake my head.

"Didn't you use to get pain in your heart when you didn't use your magic that much?", Stefan asks.
"W-Wait what do you mean?",Caroline asks looking from Stefan to Elena back to me.

"Our lovely sister here used to get heart pain when she didn't used her magic too much. Not only that, there would be an earthquake too",Damon explains to the three infront of us.

"Well obviously I don't get them anymore since I'm now a vampire", I lie.
"We had the same Dad but a different Mother and Briannas Mom used to be a powerful witch but she died after giving birth to Bri. So we took her under our wing", Stefan explains.

Elena,Caroline and Jeremy just stare in shook.

"W-Well do you know your Moms name or what you are?", Caroline asks.

I sigh.
"No,no I don't know my moms name and I'm a witch but more powerful. My kind of species is rare"
"Do you think there is someone else like you?",Jeremy asks.

I roll my eyes cause they're asking so many questions.

"No, I don't think that because my species happens every 1000 years and I'm not that old"

"So she's special special", Stefan says.
"ÄÄh. She WAS", Damon says making a noise of a wrong busser.

I roll my eyes.
"But your mom-", Caroline starts but I cut her off.
"Idk about my mom. All I know that it happens every 1000 years", I lie.

I knew what my mom was.

She was like me. A vampire and a witch. She was over a thousand years old.
You're probably asking how was she pregnant with me?
Well she did a spell so she could be human for 3 days and in these 3 days she met Giuseppe, our father. They made love and blah blah blah.
After 9 months of being pregnant with me she was at the end of her powers.
That was because I kinda ate her powers which made her weak and the spell she did to become human was really hard to keep up for nine months.

I mean she had to or she would become vampire again and I would've died. If I wasn't the same species like her and maybe be a normal witch she would've survived.

I kinda killed my mom but you are wondering now how I know all this stuff. Easy
The Gemini Coven.
They were kind enough to find more about my mom and my species.

"Anyways, you're telling me we can't go into Mystic Falls anymore?", I ask changing the subject.

"Yeah, the travelers put a spell on Mystic Falls. Kinda sucks", Jeremy answers and I nod.

"Um, I'm going back to New Orleans but don't worry I'll be back in 2 hours or 3", I say while turning to Stefan and Damon.

Stefan nods and Damon looks at me with his eyes narrowed.

"Yeahh sure", he says eventually.

I raise my eyebrows but brush it off and pack my things. I pull out five dollars and slam it on the table.

"Here you go,bye"

They all say bye and I walk out and start to go back to the house my siblings rented.

Damon's POV

I watch her as she leaves making sure she's not near us du she won't ears drop us.
I turn back to the rest.

"Something is off about her",I say.
"Ugh Damon. Your sister, that you haven't seen in 150 years, just came back from the empty world you guys were. Of course it's gonna be Akward and weird! Give her a break!", the Blondie infront of me says.

"No,not that. She gets all weird when we start talking about magic. One time in the other world I asked her about magic and she tried to change the subject", I say.

"Maybe because she lost the closest thing to her mother?!",Elena whispers screams.

I stand up and pack my things.

"Where are you going?", Stefan asks me.
"We're going to find out more about her species",I say and wave me hand towards the door signing that they should follow me and they do.

Brianna's POV

I'm in the living room of the rented house right now. (Imagine the house how ever you want) I sit down on the wooden floor  and mutter a spell to teleport me to New Orleans

"Lanuae Magicae ad New Orleans" 

A stark wind starts.I feel the wind messing my hair up and the wind suddenly stops. I slowly open my eyes and see that I'm not in the living room anymore I'm at the cemetery in New Orleans.

I sigh and stand up and begin to walk towards the exit of this stupid cemetery.
Suddenly I hear a branch break behind me. I turn around fast and see a old women. 

"What are you doing here?",she asks
"I was about to leave so", I say pointing to the exit and I was about to turn away but that old lady begins to talk again. 

"Stop! I can feel a lot of magic around you. Which means you're powerful"
"No shit Sherlock"
"I NEED IT!", she screams.

Umm weirdo

She puts her hand in the air and begins to chant a spell. Whatever she's doing it's not working in me and she seems to notice because she puts her hand down with a shocked impression.

"Omg! You're McKay-"
"Not now witch-bitch",I cut her off and flick my hand which makes her fly to somewhere.

I turn around and start walking again. 

What do you think so far? 

I know it's short but I don't have much time to write because of school.
Anyways don't forget to drink water💕

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