Chapter 33

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"Want to go inside?" I asked once Sebastian let go of me.

"I sure hope so, I don't fancy staying here all night," he said with a grin, "as lovely as your porch is."

"Fine, Mr snark. Still anxious about meeting the parents?"

"It has to happen eventually."

I reached up and kissed him. "Good boy." I then took his hand, opened the door, and guided us inside. "I'm home!" I called.

Sophia rushed over, "Juno!" Her eyes went up to Sebastian. "Who's that?"

"Hi, I'm Sebastian," he lowered himself to her level.

"You're holding hands." Sophia noticed.

"We are," I said, "Sebastian is my new boyfriend."

Sophia frowned. "What happened to Miriam?"

"It's complicated, but we aren't together anymore."

"Dating's dumb! I'm never getting a boyfriend or girlfriend."

"You do you, Soso." I pet her head.

"Back from the Lindell's?" Dad asked, coming out to

"Yeah, it went well all things considered," I gave him a hug before turning to Sebastian, "Dad please meet my new boyfriend."

"Ah Sebastian, Juno had told us about you and them, it's nice to meet you."

The two shook hands. "We technically met that day Juno was grounded."

"We did."

"And now I realize I probably made an awful first impression..."

"It's alright, you aren't responsible for Juno's poor decisions."

"I still feel like I kind of helped,"

"It's nothing Nico hasn't done before, honestly it was more shocking that Juno was the one getting drunk and spending the night out than anything else."

Sebastian gave me a look. "I am very much boring," I told him with a shrug.

Dad hugged me. "You're just a good kid,"

"Oh yeah, make me look so uncool next to my new boyfriend will you."

"Feeling snarky tonight?"

"Blame Sebastian, he's rubbing off on me."

Introductions over, we sat down and had some tea together in the living room. Mom had a late shift so she wouldn't be there until bedtime. In the meantime, dad gently grilled Sebastian to know more about him. Sebastian looked so anxious, shaking a little as he explained his circumstances, I held his hand tightly in support under the table.

"Well, son, what matters is who you are now," Dad said, giving him a hug. Sebastian tensed up for a moment before finally relaxing.

"Thank you, sir."

"You can call me Felipe."

"Alright, Felipe."

It was about then that Nico stepped in, looking tired. "Hey," he dropped his bag.

"How was your evening?" Dad asked.

"I feel like my arms are gonna fall off," he sighed, "I spent three hours shining every motorcycle in the club and then everyone's boots and riding gears."

"Oh my... Nico, I know you wanted to be part of this motorcycle club, are you sure this is a healthy thing?"

"It's tradition," Sebastian explained, "meant to teach respect, everyone goes through it."

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