Chapter 38

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After getting dressed I left the bathroom and found people were in the kitchen, sitting at the table were the twins and Taylor. But more importantly was a black woman I had never seen, somewhere in her thirties. She was clad in designer clothes and despite it being maybe six am top she was made up for a photo shoot, she looked almost fake, like an airbrushed model.

"Uh, hi."

"By all accounts, you must be Juno. I've heard a lot about you, the new pup in the pack."

"Yep, that's me."

"I'm Simone, one of Matilda and Leo's older kids." She said with a smile; her teeth were perfect too. "And also, I'm Dixie and Gaige's mom."

"Oh, nice to meet you."

"Likewise, how do you like your breakfast? Are eggs okay, or would you rather pancakes?"

"I'm not picky, sunny side up will do perfectly."

"Coming right up,"

"I haven't seen you around before."

"I typically come around every full moon, babysit the kids while the wolves run wild."

"You're not one yourself?"

"Oh no, I'm guessing mom hasn't gotten around to telling you about us," She said with a smile.

I looked at the twins, who were shoving pancakes down their mouths like they hadn't eaten in a week.

"So you don't live in town?"

"No, I'm from LA with my partner, my lifestyle doesn't really make raising children easy so mom and dad take care of them." I'd known the Lindells had adopted and fostered a ton of children over the years so it wasn't that much of a surprise.

I checked my phone and sent a text to the boys in our group chat. The Horsemen had left town for the full moon and wouldn't be back until later.

Soon after, Miriam came into the kitchen and refilled Heidi's bowls, the pupper happily chomping down as Miriam came and sat next to me. "I'll have some pancakes if you wouldn't mind."

"How are you feeling?"

"Surprisingly decent, it is rather stupidly early tho." There was still a good two hours before school started.

I nodded and kept eating and drinking a whole lot of coffee. After breakfast, I excused myself and said I needed some time and space alone. I left the kitchen and settled in the den of the house.

I took out my phone and saw Sebastian had messaged me.

> Did you know Nico is adorable when he sleeps?

I hadn't noticed <

> Look at this

Following the text was a picture of Nico snuggled up against Sebastian's bare chest, holding onto him tightly.

Sleeping together now, are you? Did your reconsider the timeshare thing? <

> Not in THAT way. Also, I can't move or he'll wake up. How do you think he'll react?

Probably a tad of gay panic? <

> LOL! My luck.

> How was your full moon?

Fine I guess, being the bottom of the pack kind of sucks. Had a talk with Miriam. <

> Is that good...?

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