Chapter 42

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I made my way out of the clinic and toward the community center. There I found Miriam waiting with a takeout paper bag and a coffee tray she had her yoga mat sticking out of her backpack. Heidi was sitting patiently at her master's side.

When Miriam saw me, she waved with a big smile.

"What's all this?"

"Hey, I thought you might be hungry."

"You would be right."

She checked her phone. "We have twenty minutes, want to get a table?"


A handful of picnic tables were scattered about, we found one and sat down. Miriam opened her bounty and took out some vegetable empanadas and café leche, the smell making my stomach growl.

I took one and bit down. "Tastes just like my mom's."

"That's because they are," she laughed.

It made sense; Pasion Latin Fusion was just a few buildings down from the community center. I stuffed my face, never one to refuse free food. That thing about the way to the heart being through the stomach? That was me to a T, so Miriam was starting on the right foot.

"So... I just want to say thank you," Miriam began as I ate.

"Thank me?"

"For giving me a chance."

"As I said, we're a pack now. And so long as you make the effort, then I want to make the effort. Also, food is telling me I made a good choice."

"We might have not been together long, but I learned that pretty quickly about you, Juno."

I made a bit of a face. "Am I that much of a pig?"

"You're not a pig, and if you were you would be a cute little piglet at worst, all pink and snuggly, or like one of those fuzzy Japanese boar!"

"Thanks? Is that a compliment?"

She waved her hand dismissively. "Eh, I just like pigs, you can take that however you want."

"Alright then?" I took the coffee and sipped it. "Thank you for the food and coffee."

"It's the least I could do. Ready for some yoga?"

"I'm not sure I can bend anymore, it's been a while,"

"I'll bend you myself if I have to."

"Alright then"

After throwing out our trash We went into the yoga classroom, I took a mat from the center's storage and set it down, mine being at home.

I hadn't been to yoga since Miriam and I had had that argument and before that, with the injury, I couldn't. So needless to say I was feeling a tad rusty. Still, it was good to get back, the whole werewolf business had completely thrown my schedule and habits out of the window straight into a trash compactor...

The true star of the yoga lesson, however, was Heidi. She tried her best to mimic us as we went through the various poses like an extremely good girl, earning her a big fat biscuit.

"That was fun," Miriam said, "So what now, it's still early."

"I don't know, but I still have some time."

"Well, I think Heidi's earned some well-deserved playtime, want to go to the beach?"

"I don't see why not."

Redwood Harbor being built on the long side you were never more than a few minutes away from the beach. After a short walk, we found ourselves by the eponymous harbor. Once upon a time, it welcomed lumber ships from all over the west coast at the time of the town's founding days, but nowadays it was purely recreational.

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