Chapter 40

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I texted Matilda frantically.

I'm sorry it's late. <

I need to talk urgently. <


It took her only a short moment for her to answer me.

> How urgent?

Not life or death? But I really need to talk to you now? <

> I'm leaving the clinic in ten minutes, can I pick you up?

Thanks <

I gave her the address of the motel, she didn't say anything about where I was. After maybe twenty minutes, sure enough, she pulled by the side of the road in her car.

"Are you okay?" Her eyes went to the motel. "Did they do anything to you?"

"No, it's me, I just need advice, I'm sorry to call on you like that, but asking by text just felt strange."

Her expression relaxed. "It's no bother, you might not be blood but we're a pack, we're family Juno, you are my child as far as I'm concerned."


I jumped in the passenger seat.

"So, what's got you so troubled?"

"It's ugh... complicated and... embarrassing..." I took a deep breath.

"What is it, sweetheart?"

"You once said that wolves mate for life and would never accept another partner... How exactly does that work?"

"Ah, maybe that's a question that would be better answered somewhere more comfortable." She said and I nodded. We drove fifteen minutes down to the Lindells' house, went in, and sat down in the living room facing each other.

"Are you still a virgin?" She asked, I nodded awkwardly as my answer. "Well, when two werewolves mate in their wolf forms it creates a powerful bond between them, from then on their wolf will not accept another mate."

"So... Human sex is okay?"

"So that's what had you so twisted up." She smiled gently and put a hand on my shoulder. "If you mean that it won't mate you for life, then yes."

I let out a sigh of relief. "It's kind of scary to think of, forever anything?" At seventeen I was absolutely NOT ready to make any kind of forever decisions, no matter how much I might love Sebastian.

"Are you considering having sex with your current boyfriend?"

"Maybe... It's scary... and conflicting, I love him, I really do, but I'm intimidated by the possibility, and maybe worried about dysphoria..."

Matilda dragged me into a hug. "There, there, It'll all be okay, you don't need to rush into things. And you certainly don't have to worry about mating forever. What you do need to worry about is pregnancy and STDs."

I went completely red.

"Did your parents give you the talk?"

I nodded.

"Do you know how to put in a condom?"

Somehow, I went a deeper shade of red, shaking my head. Matilda got up and came back with a condom and a wooden penis. "Let me show you." To say I wanted to hide in embarrassment would undersell it.

What followed was a demonstration on how to put a condom on, as well as other protective methods. Matilda had absolutely no hint of embarrassment at all. She then made me do it in front of her...

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