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hueningkai: Hi

stranger: Hey

stranger: Do you know what's crazy?

hueningkai: What?

stranger: You are the seventeenth person I've talked to on here 

hueningkai: Wow

hueningkai: That's not really that crazy, though

stranger: It is, though

hueningkai: I guess

stranger: I'm really into 19th century literature 

hueningkai: That's cool

stranger: Really?

hueningkai: Sure, I wish I read more books

stranger: I'm also invested in black and white films

stranger: Like, I only watch those ones

stranger: I don't know, I'm weird

hueningkai: Not really...

hueningkai: A ton of people read books and watch black and white films...

stranger: Still. I'm, like, different

hueningkai: Um... 

[HUENINGKAI ended chat] 

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