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cousin: "Mom... can we please change the song? Please."

aunt: "We're almost there. It's the last track."

cousin: (groans) "I'm so happy we're not on a real roadtrip. Five hours of Mozart?"

y/n: "Classical music can help you focus better."

cousin: "Are you saying I'm unfocused?"

y/n: "Yes."

aunt: "Both of you, stop that. Hueningkai, are you excited?"

hueningkai: "I am, actually. I looked up things about downtown last night. There really are lots of shops nearby."

y/n: "Shops with many, many dolls..."

cousin: "And many, many mannequins..."

y/n & cousin: "...that move at night!"

aunt: "Don't make me count to three."

hueningkai: "You know, I played with a Ouija board once."

y/n: "What? You're nuts."

hueningkai: "We asked the spirit if it was a good spirit or a bad spirit."

cousin: "And?"

hueningkai: "It spelled out 'yes.'"

y/n: "But that doesn't make any sense."

hueningkai: "I know. I guess spirits don't get any smarter than they were when they were still alive."

uncle: (laughs) "You're a harsh one, aren't you?"

hueningkai: (shrugs)

y/n: "Harsh? Him? Do you know what he packed in his duffel bag? He put his--"

hueningkai: "Oh, would you look at that! We've arrived at the inn. What great timing."

[UNCLE parks car]

y/n: "Finally, I can stretch out my back. Someone kept kicking the back of my chair."

hueningkai: "I have long legs. I need to stretch them out."

y/n: "Even if it's at my expense?"

hueningkai: "Yes."

y/n: "[Uncle]'s right. You really are harsh."

aunt: "Time to check in at the inn!"

cousin: "Mom, please don't say any more puns for the rest of this trip, I beg of you."

aunt: "Excuse me. You came out of my womb."

y/n: (whispers) "Here they go again. Come on, let's go."

hueningkai: "Have you been to this inn before?"

y/n: "No. I've actually only been to downtown once in my whole life."

hueningkai: "Really? Why?"

y/n: "My little sister hated it here. She finds all the shops boring. But I think antique shops are really interesting."

hueningkai: "Agreed. Plus, we can make a game out of it."

y/n: "Like what?"

hueningkai: "We can count how many porcelain dolls we see in each store we visit."

y/n: "Ooh, good idea. You're really not scared of creepy objects?"

hueningkai: "Do I look like someone who would be scared of creepy objects?"

y/n: "You brought your stuffed dolphin with you. What do you think?"

uncle: "[y/n], would you help me with this bag?"

y/n: "Of course."

hueningkai: "I can help check us in."

uncle: "That would be great."

[HUENINGKAI goes to front desk]

hueningkai: "Um... excuse me?"

front desk agent: "I'll be with you in just a moment."

hueningkai: "Okay. Thank you."

front desk agent: (turns around) "Thank you so much for waiting. How can I--"

hueningkai: "Taehyun?"

taehyun: "Oh! Hueningkai, right? What are you doing here?"

hueningkai: "Checking in. What are you doing here?"

taehyun: "I work here. My parents run this inn."

hueningkai: (mumbles) "And you didn't mention this last night for the checklist?"

taehyun: "Sorry?"

hueningkai: "Nothing. Actually, I'm here with [y/n] and [cousin]. [Cousin]'s parents want me to learn more history about the town I'm staying in."

taehyun: "That's right, you're an exchange student."

hueningkai: "So you run the front desk?"

taehyun: "Not all the time, only the weekends. The inn is a family business so I need to learn the ropes."

hueningkai: "Must be nice."

taehyun: "What?"

hueningkai: "To know what you're going to do in the future."

taehyun: "Oh. Yeah, I guess it is."

y/n: "Hueningkai, there you are! You know, I really could have used your help earlier. Those bags were heavy and my back is killing me! You should've--"

(long silence)

hueningkai: "[y/n], Taehyun works here. His parents run the inn. Can you believe that?"


hueningkai: "That means she can't."

taehyun: "[y/n], I can help check you and your family in."

y/n: "Mhm."

taehyun: "How many?"

y/n: "Two."

hueningkai: "Five. There are five of us."

y/n: "S-sorry, I thought you meant how many rooms."

taehyun: "That's alright. Did your uncle call in advance to book the rooms?"

y/n: "U-um..."

hueningkai: "He did. I think I overheard him say Rooms 325 and 326?"

taehyun: "Interesting choice."

hueningkai: "What do you mean?"

taehyun: "Oh, nothing. I finished checking you in. Here are your room keys. We have extras if you happen to lose it, but you need to sign off to borrow one and if you lose the extra, there's an additional key fee."

hueningkai: "Got it. Thanks!"

taehyun: "Guess I'll be seeing you guys around."

hueningkai: "Guess so. Right, [y/n]?"

y/n: "No. I mean, yes." (whispers) "What was the question?"

hueningkai: "Let's leave now before I have to get a bigger shovel for your grave of embarrassment."

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