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uncle: "Can you please pass the Spam, Hueningkai?"

hueningkai: "Sure."

uncle: "Thank you."

hueningkai: "You're welcome."

aunt: "How's your hand doing?"

hueningkai: "It's fine."

aunt: "No more bleeding."

hueningkai: "Barely any. The bandaid and ointment really helped."

aunt: "I'm glad."

uncle: "How was school today?"

hueningkai: "Mountain of homework."

uncle: "[y/n]?"

y/n: "Someone farted in my fourth period."

hueningkai: "Is 'someone' code for 'I?'"

y/n: "No, I didn't fart. God."

hueningkai: "Just making sure you're not in denial. Passing gas is a normal, human experience--"

uncle: "No talk of far... passing gas at the table, please."

hueningkai and y/n: "Sorry."

uncle: "[cousin], how was school?"


uncle: "Honey? I said, how was school for you?"


uncle: "[cousin]."

cousin: "Hm?"

uncle: "Are you texting during dinner?"

cousin: "Never."

uncle: "Then what is keeping your lap preoccupied?"

cousin: "Noth--"

hueningkai: (mumbles) "She's texting."

uncle: "[cousin], you know the rules. Give me your phone, please."

cousin: "But I need to respond to that text!"

uncle: "I'm sure it can wait."

cousin: "It's urgent."

uncle: "Is it related to schoolwork?"

cousin: "No, but--"

uncle: "Then no phones at the dinner table."

cousin: "It's still urgent because..."

uncle: "Because?"

cousin: "Because I got asked out on a date!"


uncle: "Excuse me?"

aunt: "Are they cute?"

cousin: "I did. I got asked out on a date and I want to go."

uncle: "And I want to win the lottery."

aunt: "Honey."

uncle: "Absolutely not. One thousand percent no."

aunt: "Come on, be reasonable. It's only a first date."

uncle: "That's how we started and look at us now."

cousin: "In a loving marriage with kids!"

uncle: "Kids? Do you want me to have a heart attack--"

cousin: "Dad, I'm not going to have kids right now. God. I'm just saying. Please?"

uncle: "No. Who is this person, anyway?"

hueningkai: (mumbles) "An intelligent bore."

[COUSIN kicks HUENINGKAI underneath table]

uncle: "[y/n], do you know about this?"

y/n: (shakes head)

cousin: "This is important to me. I promise I'll be back home early. No funny business."

uncle: "It's not you that I don't trust."

aunt: "Why don't we make a compromise?"

uncle: "Oh god, not that word..."

aunt: "Why don't we meet this person?"

cousin: "That'snot necessary..."

aunt: "And [y/n] has to come with you."

uncle: "And Hueningkai."

hueningkai: "Me?"

uncle: "Yes. I trust you."

hueningkai: "You do?"

uncle: "Not usually but for this, I do."

cousin: "I don't know if he would be comfortable meeting my parents on the first date."

uncle: "He better make himself comfortable or you can't go. Are we clear?"

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