"Alrighty Aphrodite" by Peach Pit

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Contempt and jealousy,
Love and heartache,
A bass line that makes your head pound
Lyrics screamed raw.
What emotion do I feel?
Is it the hatred towards the boy
Who was awful, awful, horrid,
Or the love for the girl
Who will never love me back?
The jealousy for the boy
Who captured her heart,
Words bitter on my tongue,
So bitter,
I can't spit them out.
Like peach pits
I can't swallow them,
For the feelings are too large.
Making me writhe in my seat,
Want to jump,
Want to run.
I want to get away
By car or plane, I don't care!
Just let me run away from Aphrodite
And the emotions
She forces upon me.

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