Two Sides to a Person

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I remember laughing and smiling with reckless abandon.
I said a line wrong in a script
And people were loud and beautifully undone.
"You want to go home,"
That persistent, seductive voice.
"You shouldn't be here."
How I long for a change of pace.
The voice that would say,
Oh sweet serotonin,
"Be in Love, be beautiful, be curious, be happy."
She is but only a whisper.
She's overpowered by the voice I wish to stop hearing,
For it's too much for me to hear.
So I stop smiling.
I stop laughing.
I cringe at a misspoken word.

God, please don't let that happen
Let me revel in his warm smiles and his charm that he is humble about.
Let me wait, bated breath, for his hand in mine.
Or a possibility of the words
"I love you."
Or a whisper, hot breath against my ear,
Talking of the cinematography
On the large projector screen.
Please let me be happy.
Because I fear what would happen
If Depression
Takes me down.

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