dial tone

23 2 0

Lord my hands are shaking
I want to call someone, anyone, no one, him.
When I break down, I used to talk to him.
I used to fumble with my words and he'd hold my hand and help me through it.
"I'm sorry."
I just want to hear him say he's sorry.
I want him to hold me.
I'm breaking down again, but I have no one this time.
I don't have arms wrapped around me.
I don't have sweet kisses on my forehead and soft shushes.
I don't have calming words.
I don't have gorgeous eyes that stare at me.
I have no one.
No one but me.

I don't want to be alone.
I'm so scared when I'm alone.
I can't reach out to him because he's the one that's making me feel this way and whenever I touch him my hands become shaky and my mouth goes dry and my mind can't form sentences and God just stop stop stop stop stop!

I want to stop, but I can't help still loving him.

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