fuck off

12 2 1

I didn't mean to offend you.
I called myself stupid in a self deprecating joke.
Why the hell are you offended?

You know what?
I'm done.
I'm not going to be there for you to pick on.
I'm not going to be there saying I'm stupid.
I'm not going to be standing there while you shit on everything and everyone.
I deserve better, and you know it.
That's why you're still trying to keep this thing.
This 'friendship'.
This stupid, stupid friendship that makes me hang onto you because someone thought that you might like me once more.
You're just a joke.
A clown.
A tool.
A person I don't need to care about anymore.

It's so nice to say this.
I mean, we weren't always sunshine and rainbows;
I was ready for you to leave when I was in freshman year and you were in sophomore.
Too bad my idiotic brain told me otherwise a year after.
I'm back.
The real me.
The me that doesn't take bullshit anymore.

So cut your bullshit out.
Or cut me out of your life.

We both know you can't even do that.

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