all of it

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I want it.
All of it.

I want the smiles, the laughs, the love.
I want the body heat, the warm hugs, the protective arms.
I want the understanding, the fights, the make-up.
I want the sex, the lust, the French-kissing.
I want all of it.

I want every little broken bit of whoever you are.
I want the last whole pieces where the light shines in your eyes and you talk forever.
I want the tears, the sobs, the downtrodden feelings.
I want the screams, the yells, the insults.
I want all of the feelings, because at least then I'll learn how to feel.
How to feel anything is so luxurious.
A luxury that few can afford is craved by all.
But I don't crave it like some romantic.
I want it like the selfish being that I am.
I want it like a spoiled kid screaming for a toy in a store.
I want it like an adult crying over the unfairness of the world and just wanting a family.
I don't care if it doesn't last after high school.
I don't care if it doesn't go out of college.
I don't care if it's not even till the end of this school year.
I want love and I want it now.
All of it.
Because now I know that I deserve it.

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