i dont want it

16 2 0

I feel literal waves of emotions.
People call me an empath for it.
But I take on those waves, no matter the after affect nor the initial emotion.
And then I break.
Like a piece of china, I turn into a million shards that can cut and make you bleed.
Except I don't make you cut.
I make myself be hurt instead
Because lord knows I can't hurt a single person.
The waves enveloped me tonight.
I was sobbing, full panic attack style,
With snot and tears melding together on my shirt
As I kept wiping at my eyes.
I was bawling, monstrous cries erupting from my tired jaws.

I don't want them; no one ever does.
But who else will get tumbled so that the others can keep going?
I guess I will.
I always will.
No matter what emotion, you can pawn it off of me,
And I'll trade my smiles for grimaces,
My laughs for tears,
My optimistic mind for cynical brains.
One more day, Esperanza.
One more day and then another,
Break down.
One more day.

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