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Remember how I had a best friend,
A best friend that I would kill for,
A best friend where I could tell anything?

She became my fiancé.
It was overwhelming,
Ecstasy couldn't make the world any brighter
Than how I was shining.
It was platonic,
But still.
We were ready to spend our whole lives together.
Just us two.

But of course,
Nothing good stays here,
Nothing good lasts here, right?

She's gone.
I don't have the guts to hate her,
But she's gone.

She refused to listen to my pleas,
Refused to listen to my needs,
And so when I was dropping off her items,
She wanted me to get angry because
Apparently I'm no good at being honest
When all I was
All I was
Was honest with her.
She wanted me to blow up.
She said scathing words to get me to turn to fire.
She mocked me.
She cruelly laughed.
She hurt me.

All because of some booze
That was in my parentless home
And her lack of understanding.

She tried to give me a good luck charm.
I walked away before she could hand it to me.
I don't want her luck.
I don't need her luck.
I just needed a friend who wouldn't go back on me
For once.

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