Chapter 4

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"So..." Tara started, once the two of them were cuddled up on the couches in the movie room.  "What did you want to know?"

"I uh..." And now that they were here, Colby didn't even know where to start.  He just had so many questions because he was sure that about half of what he thought he knew about omegas was lies or exaggerations... He swallowed.  "Uh..."

Tara's face was soft with understanding.  "Don't know where to start?" She asked.  She sipped some of her hot chocolate.

"Kinda..." Colby admitted, staring into his.  A couple of marshmallows floated forlornly in the chocolate.

"'Kay..." Tara nodded, "So, like, the beginning, I guess?"  Colby shrugged, but nodded.  Tara nodded back, taking a breath to start.  "Okay, so, you uh... you know how Alphas and omegas came to be, right?  Like, evolutionarily?"

Colby rolled his eyes, chuckling a little bit.  He did remember that part.  "Yeah.  Humans just about went extinct because they sucked at making babies.  Nature was like, here, let's make some of the humans really horny so that they make babies."

Tara snorted faintly, but nodded.  "Yeah, basically.  Humans, or at least our ancestors, back then were a lot more hermaphroditic, so..."


"Hermaphroditic," Tara restated, clarifying the word without judgement.  "Uh... having both sets of reproductive organs.  It's only been in the like, last hundred thousand years or so that we've really had such clear male and female primary genders." She tapped her mug with her nails, "But that's why everyone has both sets in utero, and why the secondary gender presentation can cause the testes to be active in female alphas, and uterus and ovaries to be active in male omegas."

Colby pressed his free hand into his face.  Now he really wished he'd paid more attention in biology.  "So... what does that mean?  For me, I mean."

"Well," Tara said, "How about uh... we start with the physical changes, and then we go from there?"

Colby just nodded, because that sounded like a good way to do it.  The thing he was probably most actively freaking out about was how his body no longer felt like his own.  Because yeah, maybe he'd always had the vestigial body parts but the fact that they worked now...

He felt like a stranger in his own body.

"Okay," Tara said, nodding.  She looked at his cup, then back at him.  "Drink some of your hot chocolate, Colby."  Colby winced, but did as he was told.  He barely tasted the sweet drink.  "So uh, biggest thing," Tara started, "You've kinda got a functioning uterus now.  That uh, usually gets fully up and running between the first and second heats in male omegas."

"It might not be done yet?" Colby groaned, "Fuck, Tara, it felt like someone kicked me in the gut for a few days there and then uh..." Then he got too horny to really notice it.

Tara winced, but nodded.  "Yeah, kinda sucks for you guys.  Luckily the uterus is fully formed in my first puberty, so I didn't have to deal with that."

Colby cringed, absentmindedly taking another sip of his hot chocolate.  "So uh... what else is different?"

"Your body'll make slick now, when you're aroused," Tara said, and Colby felt heat flush his cheeks.  "There's some glands in your butt that do that now."  Colby groaned, because that was probably the thing he would have the hardest time with.  He could ignore the uterus during his everyday life.  Getting wet whenever he jacked off would be new and impossible to ignore.

"There are some hormone changes and uh... well, you know about heats," Tara continued, shrugging.  "They happen at about the same rate as Alphas ruts, so every eight to twelve weeks."

Heat [Omegaverse, Brolby, SamandColbyFic]Where stories live. Discover now