Chapter 5

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"Fuck, okay, okay..." Colby breathed, and his hands were on his knees, Sam staring at him with no small amount of worry.  "I'm okay, dude, just uh... gimme a second."

"'Kay..." And Sam didn't look like he believed him, but he let it go.  The hand that had previously been wrapped around Colby's wrist dropped to his side.

It was the next day, and Sam and Colby were practicing with the omega compulsions again.  Because they'd kinda agreed to hold off on telling the fans what was going on until he could better control his reaction to the triggers.  As it had already been brought up, they really didn't want someone to be able to take advantage of him in public.

Of course, that wasn't to say that someone wouldn't run into him in public and leak it to the whole world, but... the hope was that he would have better control of it all before that happened.

Because he was slowly realizing how much practice this was going to take.

Colby focused on his body, on identifying and isolating the sensations that had ripped through his body at the tight grip to his wrist.  There was the weakness in his knees, the trembling that broke out across his body, and the rush of endorphins that crashed through his brain and made it difficult to think clearly.

That was the hardest one to ignore.  It wasn't like the endorphins he got from working out or sex, it was almost like... a drug.  Like an artificial rush of almost opioid levels of good , his brain pulsing with a mantra of serve... submit... obey...

Colby hadn't managed to fight past the mantra yet, but Tara had assured him that was normal.  So for now he was, while not content, maybe just resigned to just understanding what his body wanted to do now and recognizing it.

Because if he could understand and recognize the sensations, he could learn to fight them.

At least, that's what Tara said.

He pulled in a deep breath, holding it for a second, and breathed it back out.  He looked up to meet Sam's eyes.  Sam looked anxious, but then, that wasn't really a surprise.  He'd known Sam for a long ass time.  His body language gave away that he was not super okay with this even if his scent had not already.  Which is what honestly made Colby okay with it.

Because he knew Sam.  And he trusted Sam.  And even though they were now Alpha and omega, he knew that he could trust that Sam would never use it against him.

The conversation was not even needed.

"You're coming out of it faster, I think," Sam offered, shrugging.  "Like, I think at least that's getting better."

Colby sighed, because he would call even that a stretch.  "I mean, it's been a day," He said.  "I can't... I can't expect that I'm gonna like, be able to overthrow like, fuckin' years of evolution right away."  And there was the bitterness he'd been trying so hard to control.  Because god fucking damn it why did he had to present as an omega now?

Sam looked even more concerned now, and Colby waved him off.  "I'm good, dude."  Colby promised.

"Kay..." Sam sighed, and he hugged his legs to his chest.  "It'll get better," He promised.  There was a strange tinge to his scent, and Colby couldn't quite put a name to it.

"It'd fucking better," Colby quipped, running a hand through his hair.  They were both quiet for a moment, Colby's brain working through the last week in a strange kind of frenzied haze.  "You uh... you hear from Brennen at all?" He asked, looking at Sam.

Sam's scent pulsed then, something distinctly Alpha and possessiveness.  Colby felt his omega want to cower back, or else expose its throat to try to placate the Alpha.  Shit... that was a nuance he might not have picked up on before.  Maybe he had a little bit of the heightened sense of smell Tara had talked about.  But at least the omega urges were't super strong and he could ignore them.  Fuck knew he'd had enough of his free will being compromised...

Heat [Omegaverse, Brolby, SamandColbyFic]Where stories live. Discover now