Chapter 9

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"Yo, Colby, you ready to go?"

Colby glanced at the door, fidgeting with his hair a little bit more.  The purple strands looked fine, he looked fine.  It was really more of a nervous twitch, he knew that.

Which was stupid, really.  Really stupid.


"Yeah, I'm fine," Colby called back to Sam, resigning himself to the fact that it wasn't his hair he was uncomfortable with and heading out of his bathroom to meet Sam in the hallway.

Sam's white pants and blue collared shirt contrasted dramatically with the black and silver ensemble that Colby had chosen, but Colby knew that wasn't what caused Sam's nose to wrinkle when Colby walked towards him.  "Dude, did you like, take a bath in cologne?"

"Trying out a new bodywash," Colby shrugged, trying to blow it off.  "Is Brennen here yet?"

"Not yet..." Sam barely reacted to him bringing Brennen up.  Sam's eyes were still on him, and trepidation was slowly stealing over his face.  "Colby..."

Kat interrupted him though, bouncing out of Sam's room in something silver and cropped with white shorts.  "We going?"  She turned to Colby, and he watched as she also smelled the admittedly excessive cologne he'd used in an attempt to drown out the omega scent.  Always more blunt than Colby expected, she commented, "Colby, you smell like a teenage boy."

Colby snorted, shrugging a little bit.  "Oops?"

And Kat also met him with that dissecting look, but she seemed to let it go, grabbing Sam's hand.  "Come on," She tugged at him, "I need a new drink." And she tugged him down the stairs.

Colby groaned, consciously restraining himself from running his hands through his hair.  He'd just fuck it up at this point.

It was the following Friday, and the group was getting ready for a night out, Colby's first since the whole presenting omega thing.  And yeah, maybe the cologne was a little excessive, but Colby was hoping that the smell would drown out the scent of omega.

At least, enough that no one would take note of it.

He heard more voices downstairs, knowing that at least Tara and Katrina were pre-gaming, the two still not technically legal.  He heard Jake hollar, heard Tara's retort, and tried to relax.  This would be fine, everything would be fine.

Everyone else would meet them downtown, and it would be fine.

And he headed downstairs.

Tara handed him a drink as soon he made it to the kitchen, and he took a swig of it without noting what it was.

And promptly started coughing.  "Holy shit, Tara, what's the content on this?" He asked, staring at the deceptively bright pink drink.

Tara didn't directly answer, just knocking her drink against his.  "Enough."

"So you're drugging me now?" Colby raised an eyebrow at her, making sure he kept a teasing tone.  Because he had no disillusions that was the purpose of the drink.

She shrugged.  "If it helps," she answered, looking up at him.  "Relax, Colby, it'll be fine."

Colby sighed, taking another sip, anticipating the alcohol this time.  God, there had to be at least two or three shots worth in here... He swirled the drink, staring at it, his heart beating in his chest.  "Can you still smell it?" He asked quietly, knowing that she would know what he was talking about.

Tara took a sniff, and he watched her wince at the strong scent of cologne.  "I'm probably not the right person to ask," She said honestly, "But uh... it's harder to pick out.  In a club, people probably won't notice."

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