Chapter 27

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"Stop," Colby said, opening his eyes to look at Brennen.

He felt Brennen's hand release his hair, and immediately the worst of the hormones abated. Colby closed his eyes for half a moment, shaking himself, before looking back up at Brennen.  There was a soft smile on the Alpha's face.  "Good job, babe."

Colby shuddered again, some of the hormones still buzzing along his nerve endings, but not debilitating anymore.  He was still with it.  Completely with it.

In control.

"Thanks, dude," Colby said.  He stretched his arms over his head.  "How long was I out?"

"Only took you like..." Brennen glanced at his phone.  "Forty-seven seconds to tell me to stop this time."

Colby wrinkled his nose.  "So not my best."

Brennen shrugged, "Dude, I'm just glad you can."  He moved a hand to grip into Colby's shoulder, "Wasn't too long ago you couldn't even do that."

Colby shrugged.

Brennen was wrong.  In the almost three months since he'd gotten on medication, almost four since he'd presented, he'd been able to get to the point where he could reliably tell Brennen or Sam to let up on the triggers.

It still wasn't perfect, and it still took him about thirty seconds... but it was so much better.

"You wanna keep going?" Brennen asked, his eyes still on Colby, waiting for his input.  Colby shook his head, tucking his head into Brennen's arms and feeling the way his Alpha's hand came up to scratch at his scalp.

"Long day," Colby said, "Think I'm getting too tired to fight it..."

"No worries," Brennen said, and Colby heard the soft noise of amusement that he made.  "I understand.  You had that whole omega thing this morning right?"

Colby nodded tiredly, "Omega Empowerment Rally..." He corrected lightly, but there wasn't really any bite in his voice.

Brennen hummed a noise, "Yeah, that."

Tara had been asked to be a speaker at the rally.  She'd been super excited, and when she'd asked Colby to come... he couldn't say no.

"You're not going to make me talk, right?" Colby asked.  Despite making his living on YouTube, public speaking still made him ridiculously nervous.  It didn't help that Tara was going to an omega pride event.  Since getting better control over his whole omega thing, he was feeling better about his whole second gender thing.  He just still wasn't sure he was ready to make any sort of public speech about it.

He'd already done that online.

"No," Tara laughed a little bit, "Promise.  I just..." She shrugged, "Gonna be a lot of omegas there.  Nadja's gonna try to pop in for a bit and I thought it might... like, might be cool for you to meet them and talk to them."

Colby looked up at Tara.  She smiled at him, but there was a bit of seriousness in her voice, a bit of expectation.

Colby swallowed, but nodded.  He felt a smile come to his face.  And it wasn't forced.  "Yeah... yeah, that would be cool."

And it had been.  Despite his apprehension he'd had a good time at the event.  Hanging out with Tara and Jake, meeting a few fans and even getting to meet a few other male omegas... it was fucking nice.  He wasn't the only person with his gender in a crowd.  He was surrounded by people with his shared experience.

"It was actually pretty fuckin' cool," Colby said, looking up at Brennen, who had eyes trained on him.  "Tara's speech was really good, and I got to hang out with a bunch of other omegas, which was pretty cool.  Even another male omega, and that's the first time I've run into... into someone like me..."

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