Chapter 10

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When Colby woke up, he didn't remember everything that had happened the night before. He just laid in bed and took in his body, the warmth and softness of his bed, and how his stomach didn't feel like it was trying to hurl itself from his mouth.

And then he heard someone stumble back into his room with a muttered, "Fuck..." And he remembered.

"Fuck," He breathed, turning his head to look at the Alpha.

The Alpha he'd kissed last night...

Brennen had lost his shirt at some point during the night, and he had clearly meant to make it back from the bathroom without waking Colby. But he must have heard his breathless swear, because the Alpha froze. There seemed to almost be a moment where he braced himself before he turned to look at Colby. The look on Brennen's face was wary, borderline panicked, but there was something in his eyes, something... something that made a certain part of Colby's heart jump...

And it wasn't his omega.

"Hey..." Colby said unevenly, slightly afraid of spooking Brennen into bolting the way he was frozen.

"Hey..." And Brennen hadn't broken his gaze, but his whole body was infused with a nervous tension that jump started Colby's own heart. "You uh... you remember last night?"

Colby just nodded, hoping Brennen did. "You kissed me."

Brennen's lips gave a halfhearted attempt at a smirk. "You kissed me back."

A brief huff of a laugh left Colby's mouth. "Yeah," He acknowledged.

There was another pregnant pause. Brennen's eyes left Colby's briefly, but Colby watched as it was not to look away, but to take in Colby's chest, moving with each of his nervous breaths. "We uh... we good?" Brennen asked, and there was an uncharacteristic vulnerability in his voice. He still wasn't looking at Colby's face. "You don't... like... you don't like..."

"Don't what?" And Colby sat up just a little bit higher, feeling the blanket slide down his abdomen, watching Brennen's eyes flick there as well.

Brennen shrugged, maybe trying to take the tension out of the moment. It didn't work. "Regret it," He said honestly, quietly.

Colby blinked for a few moments, "Uh... yeah, no... no, I don't... I don't... I..." He repeated, watching as confusion and worry fell over his friend's face. "I... uh..." He groaned, "Fuck, I am not awake enough for words..."

"You don't have to say anything, and if you do like, regret it, I mean..." And Brennen had started talking, as he often did when nervous, just monologing his thoughts, "I mean, we were... we were drunk, and you uh... well, you're kinda dealing with a lot right now and I probably... I probably shouldn't have..."

A bolt of worry struck Colby. "Do you regret it?" He asked, fearing the response. Because Brennen had initiated last night, Brennen had started the whole 'I wanna kiss you' thing and how drunk had Brennen been? Had that all just been alcohol talking?

"Fuck no," Came Brennen's instant and vehement response, "I... abso-fucking-lutely uh... the kissing was like... I mean, I liked that, that was good shit, and uh..." Brennen gestured with his hands, "Kissing you was like, good shit... and shit, and uh..."

Colby snorted in reaction to Brennen's rambling. "Jesus fucking Christ..." He muttered, standing up and walking over to Brennen.

"And I would uh... totally like uh..." But Brennen's nervous rambling continued as Colby walked into his space. Colby didn't really listen to it though as he fisted a handful of hair and pulled Brennen's mouth to his. Brennen melted into him with an almost groan, one hand coming up to cup his face, the other wrapping around his waist. And it was like last night, except that there was no fog of alcohol. Just him and Brennen, Alpha and Omega, a mated pair, and the feeling of his lips on Brennen's and their hands on each other.

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