Chapter 19

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Colby felt Brennen's eyes on him as he walked into the house.  The Alpha smelled anxious, worried, and Colby could tell he was just as nervous for this conversation as Colby was.

"You wanna... wanna talk in my room?" Brennen asked, and when Colby looked at him, his arms were crossed over his chest. "I mean... I mean, unless you're just done with me, then I guess we may as well just talk here because-"

"I'm not done with you," Colby was cutting the Alpha off before he had time to spiral into some self condemning monologue. Because he wasn't.  And maybe that wasn't how he'd meant to start the conversation but it was where they ended up.

Brennen promptly clammed up.  He blinked a few times, surprise clearly written across his face.  "Really?"

Colby shook his head, "We should uh... talk, dude.  Like uh... yeah."

"Uh, yeah, yeah!  Sure," Brennen nodded quickly, shifting on his feet as if he wasn't sure where to go for a moment, before moving towards his room.

Colby took a breath, trying to disperse the nervous tension in his body before following Brennen.  It didn't quite work, nervous energy buzzing like insects across his skin, but that didn't change anything.

He was doing this.

Brennen had set up in the back of the house, and his room was surprisingly clean when Colby entered.  Colby looked around, and he heard a nervous laugh from Brennen.  "I uh... kinda panic cleaned at like 2AM last night..."

"Looks good," And Colby didn't recognize the feeling in his chest he had on surveying the room until he got a good scent of it.  Because the room smelled like Brennen, like it always did, but this time, there was an undercurrent of could-be-nest to the scent, could-be-den.

It was his Alpha's room.  So that made it partially his omega's as well.

"Shit..." He murmured, feeling... safe . That was really the only word for the emotion that realization gave him.

Brennen had paused halfway into the room, eyes on Colby as he stood in the doorway.  "So..." He started.  "What are... what's going on?"

And there was something just so vulnerable in Brennen's voice and it hurt Colby somewhere in his chest.  Colby stepped a little closer to Brennen, wanting to just reach out and kiss the Alpha, kiss the worried look from his face.

"So, we're not... I don't wanna..." Fuck, he was so fucking bad with words.  He closed the door behind him, and Brennen was just looking more and more bewildered and worried by the second.  "Fuck it."

And he ignored the initial plan to talk this all out with Brennen first when he took the three steps necessary to grip Brennen's hair with his fingers and pulled the Alpha's lips against his.

Brennen made a startled kind of "urk" sound, his whole body stiffening at first.  However, the hesitation only lasted for a few moments, because then Brennen's arms came up to wrap around his waist, around his back, and he kissed Colby back.  There was some kind of whine in Colby's throat, and a low moan in Brennen's, and Colby decided that the plan could go fuck itself because this option was so much better.

He didn't even realize he'd been pushing Brennen until he felt Brennen's body impact the wall behind him.  The impact seemed to remind both of them what was going on and where they were, and Brennen broke the kiss.  He didn't draw back though, letting his forehead rest against Colby's.  "What?" He asked breathlessly.

"So we're... I don't wanna be done with you..." Colby responded, and his voice was about equal to Brennen's in its composure.  "I..." He glanced down at Brennen's lips before tracking back up to his eyes.  "We should... we still need to talk but... we're not done."

Heat [Omegaverse, Brolby, SamandColbyFic]Where stories live. Discover now