Chapter 15

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His phone buzzing jarringly in his pocket startled Colby from the contented snuggly doze he'd found himself in.  He felt Brennen jump, the Alpha still tucked against him and around him.  "The fuck?"  Brennen grumbled, tucking his nose further into Colby's neck.

"Fuck, I'm sorry," Colby muttered, reaching into his pocket and silencing the thing.  Probably spam.  Brennen hummed a contented sound, the sensation of his breath against Colby's neck alighting a faint buzz of hormones.

He really needed to play with Brennen around his neck because he knew it could trigger him but it felt so good... Instead, he just made a noise back at Brennen, nuzzling into his hair and taking another relaxing breath of his scent.

And then his phone rang again.

"The fuck..." Brennen nestled deeper into his neck, but Colby got a creeping sensation in his gut that something was wrong.

"Hold on..." He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone to look at who was calling him.

It was Sam.

"It's Sam," He tried not to freak out too much as he answered the phone and put it to his ear.  Because Sam knew he was out.  And Sam didn't usually call him unless there was something needed to be addressed now . "Yo, what's up?"

Sam didn't waste any time.  "Dude, we got a problem.  Someone leaked your status."

Colby felt Brennen stiffen, felt his whole spine lock up.  "What?"

"Someone leaked your status, it's all over fuckin' twitter..." Sam's voice was a combination of carefully controlled fury and panic.

"Fuck..." He heard Brennen mutter, felt Brennen sit up, the Alpha digging for his own phone.  Colby felt ice coalesce over his organs, his stomach drop through the floor.  He couldn't fucking move, someone had... Brennen was digging through twitter, muttering swears under his breath, only confirming what Sam had said.  "Shit..." Brennen muttered, "He's not joking, dude."

Colby swallowed on a throat gone dry.  Because of course Sam wouldn't lie about something like this.  "Who?" Colby asked, finally managing a word.  Because the list of people who knew was still incredibly short.

He heard Sam's restrained snarl, "Nothing's confirmed but... my hunch is John."

Colby just nodded.  Because that was his as well.

Colby heard a series of colorful swears from Brennen, pretty sure that some of them weren't English.  "I... I have to say something.  Now." Colby said, and his fingers were shaking so hard he wasn't sure how he would manage to type anything right now, let alone hold a camera steady for any kind of video.

"Get home," Sam said, and thank fuck that Sam wasn't freaking out, even if he wasn't sure he'd ever heard Sam this pissed.  "We'll come up with something together, okay?  We're gonna fix this, dude."

Colby let out some kind of broken laugh. "'Kay..." He said faintly.  Brennen had put his phone back in his pocket, pulling his shirt on.  He handed Colby his.  "We'll uh... we'll be back in like half an hour, okay?" Colby managed across the phone.

"Yeah," Sam said, "Stacy's working damage control but uh... might be a good idea if you tweeted something about this like... now." His tone was apologetic over the anger.

"Yeah... yeah, I'll come up with something," Colby nodded, taking his shirt back from Brennen.  "Okay, see you soon."



Colby shoved his phone back in his pocket, pulling back into his shirt.  "Dude, I'm so fucking sorry," Brennen started, but Colby just shook his head.

Heat [Omegaverse, Brolby, SamandColbyFic]Where stories live. Discover now