Chapter 26

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Colby almost stumbled climbing out of his car in his haste to get out.  "Fuck, calm the fuck down dude, shit..."

It was just Brennen, his good friend of many years, but it was also his soulmate, the Alpha who'd...

Who'd been forced into something that neither of them would have done this soon otherwise.

Brennen was his.  His Alpha.  And not in a rank way but just... his.

He needed to fix this.

Brennen didn't even let him knock on the door.  The front door was opening when Colby was still walking up to it, and the moment Colby caught Brennen's eyes... both of them froze.

Shit... Brennen looked like hell.  And he'd thought the Alpha had looked bad the last time they hadn't been okay but now... this was a whole different level of wrecked.  Darkness had worn circles under his eyes, and there were new lines on his face Colby didn't recognize.  There was a certain lifelessness to his body, and Brennen...

"God, Brennen..." He breathed, taking a step forward and lifting his arms to throw them around his friend.

But he sure as shit didn't miss the very visible flinch and step back that Brennen did.

Colby froze again, not sure what that reaction was about but worried, so worried about it.  Because that wasn't...

What was wrong? Was he too late?

"Brennen?" And his voice was small even to his own ears.

"I'm sorry," Brennen said quickly, "I'm sorry, I just..." He seemed to shake himself.  "You wanna come in?"

"Yeah, sure..." There was something ripping and terrified in his chest, but he started walking again, stepping through the door as Brennen stepped back to avoid touching him.

What the fuck, what the fuck...?

There was something broken and wounded to Brennen's scent when he caught a whiff of it as he walked past.  His omega leapt at being so close to his Alpha, wanting to wrap his arms around Brennen, fix this hurt and pain that was radiating off of him, but...

Colby could tell that Brennen didn't want to be touched right now.

God, what the fuck was going on?

Brennen ended up leading him to the back porch, and Colby could see the plant life and atmosphere that Colby knew Brennen put so much love and time into.  He might have commented on it, except that right now he didn't know what he was allowed to say.

This wasn't going at all how he had anticipated.

He sat down on one of the chairs, watching as Brennen sat across the table from him on one the the couches, eyes moving quickly.  They'd dart up at Colby, looking at him for just a short moment before darting away again.  Colby didn't know what to say, because something was wrong, something was so clearly wrong... "Brennen..."

"I'm so sorry," Brennen said all at once, and the volume of his voice made Colby jump.  "I'm so sorry I did that to you, and I know, I know that nothing I can say will make that up to you, and after everything we talked about, with my history, and you told me that if I ever, ever raped you that we'd be done and I'm sorry, fuck, man, I'm so fucking sorry..."

Where there had been uneasy silence came this torrent of emotions and words and pain. "Brennen, dude..."

"... so fucking sorry, and if you never want to talk to me again, I get it, because like, that was, I mean, I forced you. I held you down and, and..."

Heat [Omegaverse, Brolby, SamandColbyFic]Where stories live. Discover now