Chapter 6

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The sun felt warm against the bare skin of his chest,

He'd laid down on one of the pool chairs, absentmindedly pulling his shirt off because he needed something grounding right then and figured, eh, sun would do it.  He'd debated alcohol, but then realized that he was probably going to be muddled enough with the omega hormones that he wouldn't need anything else adding to his brain's confusion.

Because just the idea of seeing the Alpha - his Alpha- was sending his heart racing.

"He's not my Alpha," Colby reminded himself quietly, scolding the excited omega in his chest.  Because it wanted Brennen, its mate, its Alpha, and Colby was still trying to come to terms with the different sides of him.

Because his human side just knew Brennen as his best friend.

His omega side... saw his mate.

Colby glanced at his phone, his heart jumping into his chest as it buzzed.  Sure enough, it was Brennen. Yo, I'm here, Came Brennen's text.

Come out back, the door's open :)

He hoped that was normal enough.

Colby took a deep breath, releasing it slowly through pursed lips.  This was Brennen. One of his best friends.  He had nothing to worry about.  Too late, he wished he had kept his shirt on when he walked out back, but he was probably overthinking it.

And besides, Brennen had just stepped onto the porch.

"Yo," Brennen called, and there was what was probably supposed to be an easy grin on his face, but Colby could see the worry it was masking.  Well, that made two of them.

"Yo," Colby called back, and he kicked his legs over the end of the lounge chair, standing to meet Brennen.  His stomach only fluttered a little bit.

"Why're you out here?"

"Sam and Kat are going at it," Colby answered, stepping towards Brennen.  "I didn't need to hear that today."

"Ha, fair."  And Brennen was moving towards him too, but about ten feet back from Colby, Brennen paused.  "Uh..." And Colby was confused until his friend asked, "Can uh... can I hug you?  That's not one of your omega things, right?"

"I uh... fuck..." And Colby felt a little bit of relief mixed with some humiliation that Brennen would have thought to ask, that he would have needed to ask.  "Uh, no.  Don't think so."  Sam hugging him hadn't triggered the rush of debilitating hormones that hair pulling or throat grabs did.

Thank fuck.

"Cool, cool," Brennen gave him a nervous grin, and he stepped forward the last little bit to hold a hand out.  Colby gripped it, pulling him into a hug.  Colby laughed a little bit, pressing his forehead momentarily into his friend's shoulder.  "Good to see you sane again, man." Brennen said, clapping his back.

Colby chuckled.  "Yeah, same," And this was normal.  This was them, this was good.  He took what was meant to be a calming breath through his nose.  Was meant to be, but that was when Brennen's scent slammed into him.

Oh fuck, Brennen smelled good ...

Colby found a whine involuntarily pressing from his throat, a shudder bursting through his body because Brennen smelled like... well he smelled like Brennen, like his friend, but Colby's newly awakened omega also smelled Alpha , mate , mine ... Colby had to fight through the initial instinct to press closer to Brennen and take an even deeper breath of that intoxicating scent.  It was only because he had some familiarity with the omega hormones that he didn't do just that.  "Brennen..." And he wouldn't be held responsible for the rasping gasp his voice came out in.

Heat [Omegaverse, Brolby, SamandColbyFic]Where stories live. Discover now