Chapter 7

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 "You wanna watch a movie or something? I'll buy pizza."

Colby nodded, casting an appreciative look at Brennen. "Yeah, that would be good..."

Brennen grinned at him, and the setting sun set off the hues of gold and green in his eyes. His Alpha friend reached down to pull Colby up from where he'd stuck his feet in the pool. His grip was warm, and Colby found himself grateful for the grounding the grip gave him.

It still kinda felt like the world was spinning out from under him sometimes...

Colby let out a long breath. The tile of the roof was textured and still warm from the heat of the day under his feet. The backyard sprawled out under him, lit with tiki torches and string lights. Colby would turn them off when he went to bed.

Whenever that ended up being.

He pulled his phone out his pocket glancing at the time. 1:33 in the morning. At night? Yes , he answered himself internally, putting his back in his pocket and staring back out at the inflatable dog. "You got any answers?" He asked it rhetorically, not expecting an answer.

That's why he about jumped out of his skin when there was one. "Probably not."

Colby's head jerked around to see that Kat had wandered out to the balcony that gave him roof access. "You scared the shit out of me."

Kat did manage an apologetic smile. "Sorry," She said, and her hands were buried in the pockets of some joggers, a sports bra on her upper half. "What's up?"

Colby pressed hair out of his eyes, turning back to the backyard. "Just hanging out," He said, not wanting to dump the mess that was his brain on Kat.

Kat paused for a moment, narrowing her eyes at him. Colby expected to be called on his bullshit, but she just commented instead, "You probably shouldn't be out there. One of you is going to fall off this roof one of these days." Her tone was light, passing, like she could have been discussing the most casual thing.

Colby snorted, but shrugged. "Maybe."

Kat was still staring at him, and then she climbed over the railing, her bare feet giving her enough traction to not to slide down the roof. Colby's eyes followed her as she stepped carefully over to him, settling down next to him. She just looked out to the yard with him, not saying anything for a few moments. Something buzzed past his ears. He could hear a car drive by their place. Humidity and warmth settled into his skin like an old, familiar blanket.

Just another quiet, LA night.

"Where's Sam?" He asked finally, breaking the quiet.

"Sleeping," Kat said simply.

"Why're you out here then?"

She shrugged, "Couldn't sleep."

"Huh." He left it there for a moment. Another bug flew by, Kat swatted at a mosquito. It was quiet. Peaceful.

"How'd it go with Brennen?"

Colby felt a breath catch in his throat. She wasn't looking at him, but he knew all of her attention was on him.

Did Kat know about the soulmate thing?

"You uh... he told you about the soulmate thing, right?"

Thankfully, she nodded, and there was none of the cagey possessiveness that had been in Sam's eyes. "He did," She said, "With you and him, and you and Brennen."

Because Sam told her just about everything. Not that he had any issue with her knowing. They were probably past that whole privacy thing at this point.

Heat [Omegaverse, Brolby, SamandColbyFic]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz