Chapter 16

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Sam rubbed at the back of his neck, feeling a nervous prickling there.  He'd seen that Brennen's car wasn't in the lot, figuring that the other Alpha must have headed home for the day.

He needed to check on Colby, after the clusterfuck yesterday had been.

He was standing outside Colby's door, and he shouldn't be so stupidly nervous to go and see his best friend.  Well, that was wrong.  He wasn't nervous, not really.  Not about seeing Colby.  More concerned about how Colby was taking all of this, and worried if Colby had noticed his Alpha being possessive last night.

Fuck knew Colby didn't need to deal with that.

He knocked on the door to Colby's room, "Dude, you awake?"

"Yeah," He heard the call back.

Sam pushed the door open, eyes quickly finding Colby laying across his couch, laptop open.  There was music playing, sounding like some orchestral score from a movie.  "Dude, whatcha listening to?"

Colby chuckled, "The Last Guardian soundtrack."


"It's a video game."

"Huh."  Sam shrugged.  That was Colby.  But they had shit to talk about, so Sam stepped closer, flopping down into the bean bag as Colby paused the music.  "How you doing, man?"

Colby shrugged, a heaviness moving over his features.  "Been better, obviously."

Sam nodded.  He'd worried about that. "Everyone seems to be taking it okay." He reminded Colby, because they really were.  Other than the occasional fuckhead.

Colby leaned back into the couch, "Thank fuck, man." He looked at his computer, "Not sure how I'd be doing if they weren't."

"We'd make it work," Sam said immediately, because of that he had no doubt.  There was no Sam and Colby without both of them.

Colby pressed his lips together. "Yeah, I guess."

"Dude," Sam waited until Colby met his eyes, "We'd've figured it out.  I got you."  He huffed out a breath, "You know you come before anyone else."

That managed to actually pull a smile to Colby's lips.  "Yeah, I know," His voice was quiet, "Thanks, man."

Sam shook his head, "Of fuckin' course, dude."

They sat in silence for a few minutes, Colby scrolling through his computer, and Sam taking in Colby and the surrounding scents.  He could still smell traces of Brennen in the room.  The Alpha who was doing so much good for his best friend.

"You and Brennen doing okay?"  Sam asked, trying hard to keep any knothead Alpha out of his voice.

Colby looked at him, and Sam could see and smell the slight worry on him.  Sam just hoped that his face didn't show anything other than that he was trying to support Colby in this, because it was still fucking weird sharing Colby in this way, but it was good.

Colby was happy.  That much he could tell.

If they were fucking it was none of his business.

"He's been... he's been really great," Colby admitted after a moment of hesitation.  "He uh... brought me to this old, abandoned treehouse last night.  It was uh... really nice." And that was the soft, lovestruck smile that Sam hadn't seen on Colby's face in years.

What fucking right did he have to fuck with that?  He shoved the possessive Alpha in his chest down.

"I'm glad," he said, and he found that it was true when he said it.  "You deserve it."

Heat [Omegaverse, Brolby, SamandColbyFic]Where stories live. Discover now