~ Chapter 9 ~

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The light of the moon illuminated PopPalace with an aura of intimidating force. In the throne room, Branch was half asleep on his royal sit, his eyes closing every two seconds, but re-opening to look at his wife who was walking around with all her energy.

- Poppyyyy... Come on, bae, let's go back to our beeeed.... He complained, tired, not knowing why the queen had stopped their cuddle-and make-out session- to bring him here.

The queen ignored that request, looking intensely at the big door by which her guests would be supposed to come in... Why was it so long? In her frustration, the pink troll let out a grunt, returning to sit on her throne and crossing her arms like a six-year-old child. Branch raised an eyebrow, confused... But in an attempt to make her feel better, he joined her on her throne, wrapping his arms around her and beginning to drag kisses on the soft skin of her neck, stricying paint stains.

- What's on your mind, Baby Cupcake ? His warm voice made her shiver throughout her whole body.

Somewhat mesmerizing with his warmth, caresses and kisses, Poppy sighed, catching hid face in her hands to crush her lips against his for a few seconds, her thumbs brushing his scar;

- I looked at old scrapbooks on this troll... She explained, all explained that he is a mixed troll, A creature that isn't even suppose exist...

It was true that in this version of the world of Mixy, scrapbooking books only told some rares informations about mixed trolls... They were legends, no ones has ever saw one before... Why Poppy wanted capture Mixy then ?

Well, it was told in those scrapbooks, that mixed troll were, in theory, appearing only to bring new era to the trolls...

But Poppy didn't like that, she was the queen, she was the one who decide for the Trolls.

What was the great choice ? Unite everyone under Pop, give them their greatness!! It was out of question for this mixed troll to change her plans !!

With that all said, Branch seemed to think, then shrugged;

- Perhaps, yeah... he finally said, now come on, let's go back to our room, those guests aren't coming and are probably sleeping...

But right after those words, the door was wide open, letting place to the trolls Poppy was waiting for.

Pink glowing eyes, new appearance with that added lot of glitters and glitters, the pop zombies came in. Branch then understood;

- OOOOHHHH, That's why we had to stop our s-

- ...EXCELLENT! Poppy screamed out, all happy seeing them.

The group came in line in front of the Queen and King... The K-Pop Gang was no longer there... They were now the ONLY Pop Gang.

Reggaetón? Gone too ! The three siblings were now thinking their names were Tressy, Tammy, and Mariam, instead of Tresillo, Tambora and Marimba.

Chaz? uhm... Okay here, he was now thinking he was Chazy Bieber.

Last were the yodelers... OH, Sorry, actually the Pop-elers. Hickory and Dickory had take of their hats for crazy hairstyles !

All were having new hair, and new clothes that easily showed their new pop trolls' culture.

- We are waiting for orders, Queen Poppy, they all said in a same voice.

Branch couldn't help a shiver, finding them kinda creepy. Poppy, on her side, was satisfied by this, and jumped out of Branch's grip to bring a whiteboard in front of the pop zombies.

TROLLS : Rewrite MelodyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu