~ Chapter 24 ~

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In a whirlwind of color, everything had returned to its original place. There were no more paint stains anywhere on the trees and rock, and all decorations were put away. The trolls kingdom was back to its original, diversified and perfect its in way, self.

In the forest, the Giant Wish Flower was shaking, trying to catch the rays of the sun on its petals... but there was nothing to do, Mixy had managed to defeat its dangerous magic. With a horrible screeching sound, the colors of the plant turned to a dead brown colors, dying slowly, until there was nothing left but a dry stem.

But... where was Mixy ?

Simple answer;

- Mixy, get out of there ! Poppy asked him, knocking against the trash can.

Mixy opened his eyes in the dark of the trash can... he took a moment realize what it meant... he was.. was he ??...

He looked at his hooves, techno fishtail, and heart glowing... he was alive ! And if he was guessing right...

Slowly, Mixy got his head out of the trash, the cover on his head.

All the Trolls he had missed during those three days in a dystopian world... there were there, all back to normal and not remembering anything of PopPalace or TrollrabianVillage, staring at him with worried expressions. Mixy felt tears fill up his eyes, and without any warning, jumped out of his hiding place, into Poppy's arms.

- M-Mixy ? She exclaimed, confused by this sudden need of affection, what's going on ??

- I m-missed you so m-m-much !! Mixy cried out, hugging Poppy closer.

- W-What ?! Tiny was confuse, but you were in there for like 15 minutes...

They didn't remember anything of evil Pop, Necto Trolls and scared Barb. Mixy cried more, starting to talk at full speed;

- I-I was sucked up by a giant golden flower and Branch and Poppy were EVIL !! And Trollex was a zombie Trollzart was a furious guard and Barb was scared of everything and Tiny was acting like a Pop troll even tho he is Hip Hop and-

- Wow wow !! Okay, who made you eat what?? Quincy frowned, confused by all this non-sense.

Everyone looked at Trollex still proposing glitter star fishes to eat.

- Okay I think we're going to take away the glitter starfishes from the menu... Barb chuckled, giving a nudge to Trollex.

 Barb chuckled, giving a nudge to Trollex

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- W-What? B-But...

- Put it away Trollex ~ Barb teased.

Trollex looked at the plate and made a 'awee' before put it in the trash.

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