"The Worlds Most Mysterious Detective"
You've heard about him on televisions, articles, and even from the public
...But you'd never imagine you would be his personal assistant
Also, a lot of you enjoyed the picture I took of my unfinished drawing, so I thought you'd like to see the finished result ^-^
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Enjoy <3
(1444 words) ~~~
God.. is this what heartbreak feels like..?
The somber, broken look in his eyes and the way his loving expression had turned to tear-stain skin.
Where's the smile?
The laugh?
It had been overcome with guilt and anxiety:
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You wince every time they had to move you, an inch, even a centimeter, it ached with this feeling that shred throughout every muscle in your body. You tried to cry, but you couldn't sob. It hurt. Everything did.
But despite his mistakes, Ryuzaki didn't leave your side for a second. His hands were even covered in your own blood as he was quick to help with your bandages and gauzes even when he himself was terribly hurt.
"Baby, you can do this, alright..? You're strong, I know you are.." L whispered into your ear as tears streamed down your eyes, though you nodded.
Finally, after every cry and every yelp you let out, the doctors finally got you in a wheelchair. Your entire body shook immensely, but you made it. All you wanted now was to go home.
However, your body couldn't handle all the pain coming in so suddenly. It was too overwhelming. And slowly, your vision started to fade..
"Y/n.." That velvet voice called out to you, you could feel the warmth of his palm cupping the cold skin on your cheek, and the softness of the silky bed sheets under you.