57: Brother?

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I apologize for the wait, school's been crazy busy for me!

But guess who got a lead in a play? :) that's another reason everything's been delayed. I'm just incredibly exhausted, but I'm okay!

I worked hard writing this for you guys so please enjoy and tell me what you think in the comments!!

(1726 words)



Perhaps when you saw that face, you could feel your heart stop..if only for a moment, at least. It was so familiar, yet so distant in a way that you didn't quite understand.

He stood there for a moment, a solemn expression on his face with all the emotion in the world in the midst of his eyes. Perhaps it was a mix of fear, guilt, and maybe a deep longing. Even then, there could be all the insecurities in the world behind that scar of his, behind that mask he's tried so hard to keep up all this time.

The trembles in his raspy tone gave away his true emotions that weren't really hard to see in the first place with one glance into those eyes.

Biting your quivering bottom lip, you didn't know what to say, you were at a loss of words..but you didn't need to say anything before his arms were around you, holding you to himself in a way he wouldn't bother your wound.
Your arms wrapped around his neck as he buried his face into the crook of your own. God, he was shaking to the touch, so tense. His skin was rough and scratched, yet it emitted this familiar warmth that eased you right away like L.

"I-I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.. I didn't-...didn't mean it.. I really didn't.."
Tears slipped from your own eyes as you heard his sobs, he was so tense and stressed, you wondered how long he had been keeping his emotions locked away like that.

"Mihael it's okay-"

"-No it's not!"
He argued immediately, leaning back to look down at her, his eyebrows furrowed as his tears ran constantly from his bloodshot eyes. His hair was a mess as his bit his own lip to even attempt to hold back his sobs.

You were quiet as you looked into his eyes, you remembered how happy innocent, how happy they were..yet the both of you took many different paths in life.

"It was my fault! My fucking gun! I pulled the trigger, y/n! It was me! me!"
He cried out, pointing to himself in the midst of his hard sobs. Mello's hands then finally just covered over his eyes, he looked absolutely defeated, destroyed. His voice cracked, his eyes bloodshot, hair tangled in the midst of his fingers.

It was heartbreaking that it had come to this. You would have never imagined it happening at all. There were so many questions; how..when..why..?

"Y-You didn't mean to..It was an accident, Mihael.."
Your voice was so soft, your own eyes filling with tears. It was so much to take in, truly.

He didn't respond, only shaking his head and letting out hard, silent sobs, almost looking as if his bruised fingers were pulling at his tangled blonde locks.
"But I did it..I did it.."
Mello was barely able to speak, his voice trembled with every sound it made.

His Assistant (L Lawliet x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt