It was raining, but that didn't stop you
You couldn't see anything but faint street lights lighting up the concrete path ever so slightly
When you started to run out of breath, you had no idea where you were or how to get back home
All you could make out was a wooden bench on the side of the road
Having no other option, you sit in it.
The bench was already wet and held a small puddle that you had soon invadedIt was all fake...
It was all a lie...
You held your knees to your chest with your head hidden behind them
You were soaking wet, trembling and crying. Not to mention, completely alone and lost.Maybe this wasn't a good idea...
It was probably hours later and you were colder than you'd ever been
You still cried silently to yourself as the rain just kept on fallingYou slip your hands into your wet pockets, but to your avail, you had left your phone at the headquarters
Everything was so hopeless at this point. If it weren't for your dramatic emotions, you wouldn't be here.
The rain seemed to pour down even harder now, but there was nothing you could do but wish to go home
It was so loud, you couldn't hear anything but the hard impact of the rain hitting the ground
Suddenly, you felt the rain no longer fall on you
You look up with short and quick breaths, trembling
You don't know when or how... but Ryuzaki was right there, standing in front of you holding an umbrella above you
He was completely soaked. You could slightly see his face in a saddened expression. It was the most emotion you've ever seen Ryuzaki express.
He got on his knees, looking at the ground
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said. Please forgive me, (Y/N)!"He had never acted in a way like this before...
He had to yell through the sound of the rain so you could hear him
You watched him, speechless
He continued
"I..I don't understand these types of feelings when I see you!... I can't-"
He paused, really looking upset
"(Y/N), my heart beat is irregular every time i'm with you! I-I didn't know what it means, but now I do! P-Please come back!"Before he could say another word, you got up and wrapped your arms around him, crying onto his shoulder
He quickly embraced you back, caressing your hair"R-Ryuzaki... i-i'm so sorry.. this is my fault!" You choked out the words between tears
"No, (Y/N), it was me who upset you. The fault is mine!"
He pulled away, pulling straight into your eyes
"I don't know what these feelings are, but I really enjoy being with you, (Y/N).
When I saw you with Matsuda...."You shook your head
"No, Ryuzaki, i-it's okay! I really like you too!"You both were practically yelling. The rain was so loud, you could barely hear each other
"You do?!"
You nodded with a smile
"Yes! I do!""I never fully understood what these types of physical ways to show affection meant until now!"
He smiled, taking your hand and cupping your cheek
Your lips meet together in a wet, salty, but sweet kiss. Not like any of the kisses you had before... it was a real kiss. The way your lips moved together in unison made your heart leap. It was also the most passionate kiss you'd ever had.
You could tell he really meant it this time, and it wasn't just an experiment.

His Assistant (L Lawliet x Reader)
FanfictionL... "The Worlds Most Mysterious Detective" You've heard about him on televisions, articles, and even from the public ...But you'd never imagine you would be his personal assistant