"The Worlds Most Mysterious Detective"
You've heard about him on televisions, articles, and even from the public
...But you'd never imagine you would be his personal assistant
Hi lovelies! School's started back and iiiiiiii'm miserable ! :D BUT! Here's a little chapter I had some time to write in today, I've been super sick all week so I've been home.
The investigation continues! Enjoy! <3 <3
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"I'm so-..so anxious.."
"You'll be alright, darling..I promise."
The sun was just barely out. It was morning, you had woken up maybe..an hour ago? Who knows. It was time to take in a reality check as it seemed that you were returning back to what you deemed a 'living hell'.
The Kira Case.
Something so fascinating, yet so painstakingly frustrating at the same time. It tormented you, it made your blood boil within your veins. You had questions without answers, and you had powerful monsters who had yet to be behind bars.
"Lawliet..My dress." You looked up behind your shoulder, your eyes meeting his own in a quick glance. You were in a formal black dress, it fit you wonderfully. There was a zipper in the back that had yet to be zipped..you couldn't reach it.
"Course.." He smiled so warmly; a smile so reassuring and comforting. There was nothing that smile couldn't do. It was your light in darkness.
L walked over, you watched him in the mirror before you. He stood tall behind you, zipping up the dress with ease before wrapping his arms around your waist, enveloping you within his warm hold.
A soft sigh escaped from you as you leaned into his comforting embrace. His chin rested upon your shoulder as his head leaned against your own. It was intimate; sweet.
"I'll keep you safe, okay?" He whispered. "Nothings going to happen to you. I'll be here with you the whole time."
And that was a promise.
Arrival: SPK Headquarters
The ride wasn't particularly long, although it felt like everything was moving so slowly. But, the good thing beyond all of this is the sheer fact that you and L would be practically anonymous and non existent. Nobody but the SPK team would know of your existence. Only few knew that L was indeed alive.
The headquarters was dimly lit, and it had this smell that one could describe as a mix of chalk and perhaps a window cleaner. It smelled clean. It was such a contrast compared to L's Kira headquarters, it had always smelled of sweets. You missed that.
A new group of people was also something to get used to. You missed the old crew..sometimes you wondered what they were doing now. Were they okay?
Your eyes locked with Mello's. There was a tense feeling within the room. You could tell that Near's men were on edge in his presence.
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