Hello my lovelies! I am back! So sorry for the delay. It's been quite a journey— but hopefully this chapter will make it up to you :) life updates at the bottom
(3610 words)
Communities had grown to insanity demanding answers that begs the question of: Who is Kira? And even more so with those who had been on his side.
Only few people knew, and you were one of them.
"Near, we have to evacuate immediately!"
The building could hardly stand so much damage by so many people. Hundreds, maybe even thousands rioted outside of the very building you all remained within: SPA Headquarters. All the members seemed rather at unease and were impatiently getting ready to leave, however peculiar enough-- L and Near seemed none the bit phased by the commotion.
"Really..What pathetic people..I'm not surprised that there are people who follow Kira since they hope that Kira will bring justice to evildoers-- But as for the people outside, they are a different breed. They are truly dispicable and stupid. This is just a diversion for them. They're all selfish." Near, in his signature monotone voice went on as he sat within a circle of little figurine toys. What a pecuiliar little thing he was..
"I-- I know that, but it still leaves us with the immediate problem." The member argued
"Maybe you should listen to him." L, sitting in the strange way he always did nonchalantly agreed, licking a lollipop he held in his hand.
"Hey-- Where'd you get that?" You asked, your eyebrows creasing as you eyed the candy in his hand.
"That, my darling, is for me to know and you to figure out." L muttered lowly to you in response with a bit of a sly smirk growing at the side of his lips, you could only huff.
"Near, ah-- Don't you think trouble with ensue if they get past those doors? I mean-- I-It's only us, and if they make it up here, we'll--" You turned towards the younger child, though it seemed he already had a plan.
"Let's use L's legacy and the Anti-Kira protesters we hired." He'd say in response.
"You do realize, Near, that you'd only have a single chance to get that right?" L argued as you turned your head towards him, a confused look over your face.
"Legacy? What is he talking about Legacy for?" You asked.
"Money. A lot of it."
"We should already be prepared. Besides-- It should be interesting."
Near had some sort of plan in mind, you didn't quite understand. Most of these things rather easily went above your head at times. It was like all those who came from the very orphanage L came from all had this silent language that only they could speak. They were all such strange individuals, though so incredibly bright.In a matter of moments, a predicament you couldnt even begin to imagine occurred upon the screens depicting live video footage of the riots wrapped around the building. L was right. There was money. A lot of it too.
The green paper currency flowed down from the top of the building. There was no telling how much money there was, but it rained, and by raining-- it poured. Must have been hundreds to thousands flowing down to the people-- and somehow their attention seemed to have moved from the ongoing Kira investigation-- to the possible wealth they could gain right before their very own eyes.

His Assistant (L Lawliet x Reader)
FanfictionL... "The Worlds Most Mysterious Detective" You've heard about him on televisions, articles, and even from the public ...But you'd never imagine you would be his personal assistant